The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Peoria prep: Deep dive on Giratina, Palkia, Kyurem & more

September 28, 2022 Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 103
Peoria prep: Deep dive on Giratina, Palkia, Kyurem & more
The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast
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The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast
Peoria prep: Deep dive on Giratina, Palkia, Kyurem & more
Sep 28, 2022 Season 1 Episode 103
Brent Halliburton

Welcome to the Trashalanche podcast. Everybody's favorite Pokegear podcast attendance continues to be 100% mere Halliburton. Mike Fouchet, Brent pvis. We're always holding it. We're on Twitter. You can find us. We are no longer sponsored by Channel Fireball Channel. Fireball shutting down all content.


Surprising, shocking.


I mean, you think when you get that eBay money you would like spend on content? Apparently. I think this just underscores the ongoing death of a long form content You.


Um, absolutely more than anything. I think it's that on top of the multiple mergers happening.


Yeah. Uh, uh, we're worth noting in a, uh, similar, uh, vein. Uh, somebody texted me and said, Hey, you know your book, what you should do is you should put that up on a website so people can just read it for free. I would definitely go to that website, I was like, Man, it's like, it's like three packs. It's like Kindle Unlimited. You can say I'm holding you up for those three packs, but like, it's, it's not a big investment and we're gonna give all the money to charity. Yeah. and, and incidentally, the money go to charity is like over a thousand dollars already this year. So, uh, slaughtering it. Uh, I'm sure at the end of Q Fourish will, uh, uh, do some accounting for everybody on the pods. You guys can know how book sales.




That's great. Yeah. Yeah. It's super, super cool. I really appreciate everybody who has said to pick up a copy. It's, uh, a really fun time. Um, I know we talked about how there was a five star review that we had apparently missed. I cannot find it. You gotta text Mike or Brit or me or something with your review. Um, I don't know. I don't know. I cannot find a review that I missed.


Well, thanks for looking.


I know like there might be some like maybe internationalization on non Apple platforms that I'm somehow not figuring out. A way to see. I don't know. You got me guys. Um, Let me talk about the top 100 rankings. We are doing a relatively quick pod because doing a Zoom call from us to Canada. I'm in Canada, uh, this week for work. Uh, restricts our zoom time to 30 minutes. But, um, uh, we will come back next week hopefully with like couple of rankings. Uh, unless we have just too much to unpack from Peoria, uh, we have gotten over 80 responses. I super appreciate everybody that took the time to really grind out all those answers. Um, I, I do not appreciate the like 15 to 20 people who put in fake rankings, like Zacian Cooper is number one, Cal Connor is number one, and then ranked nothing else and submitted it. But like the good news is those are super easy to weed out because we already know the criteria for weeding them out. When you ranked one person and it's a random person, that is a lie. The people who actually, uh, ranked one person and it was a good person inevitably ranked a lot of people and they're awesome and I appreciate them taking the time. I really wanna. That shout out to Joe Bernard who had I think the best tweet regarding the entire thing when he said this is like the most important thing he's ever done in his life. Yeah, He's the best. He is absolutely the best. I wish I knew which ranking was his. We would go through his ranking cause I'm sure it would be awesome. Uh, Joe's awesome.


And just to confirm, this is like current. Players, right? Yes. So


the list I worked off of was 2022 cp. So it is definitely current players. I think the, the model I had in my mind is, you know, every year ESPN publishes their like top 100 players rankings and people fight about it and um, I always think it's awesome and I thought there should be something like that in Pokegear that makes people wanna punch each other in the face. I could do that. Mm-hmm. I think the technology I used was just Okay. But, um, maybe next year we'll try to figure out how to do it. Maybe next year we'll, we'll appoint a couple of like key writers like Joe to publish opinions as opposed to collecting opinions from. The random internet, even though the random internet seemed pretty good.


Yeah, I think it's always interesting. I don't wanna spend too much time on this, but I do think it's always interesting to look back at different points and presumably a lot of people will rank, uh, toward number one and like to, to consider just like toward versus Jason. Right? Right. As like, uh, all time. Great. Cause. Again, don't wanna get too into it, but like personally, I still think Jason's number one, but Tod is like inching closer and it'll be interesting once. Or if he ever like, gets above him in my mind or if, uh, like what the consensus is more generally. Um,



so here's the trick with that, Mike, and, and we can talk after the pot about this. Um, Yeah, I mean obviously people publish lists putting, uh, LeBron against Michael Jordan all the time, right? Like that's another fantastic list. Um, I think we have to do like one of three things. We either somehow have to build a really good list of people to choose. And I recognize like, that I think was like the thing that made me say we're doing a current list because like getting to Tom do all's peers, like that's, that's like, it's a little obscure. I can't do that list. You would have to help me manufacture that list. And even then I worry the people would say, Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Um, the, the other thing that I think we'd have to do is we'd probably have to like reach out to key people to try to like get informed opinions. I recognize like, you know, I mean it's easy to compare Jordan to LeBron cuz like their body of work is very public. People know what Jason did. People know what uh to did, but you know Yeah. When you compare Tom Doles all to Dylan, Bryan, you're like pretty down in the weeds. Yeah. And while, while you guys actually probably have opinions on that, I can't just post that on the internet, think it's gonna go okay.


Right, Yeah, exactly. It's, there's too many people that don't know who these older players are. Yeah. Yeah. And, and it's weird. You, you have like a recency bias, but you also have like a classic bias, if that makes sense. I think it goes both ways, Right? Yeah.


Yeah, it's, it's a really, it's a really interesting problem. So, so maybe we'll come back and do a, after this a, a all time kind of ranking, but there's been a lot of, lot of good lessons learned for how we ran through this. We'll, we'll try to figure out how to continue to evolve it because it's interesting. People are interested and in that respect that I really, really appreciate it. Um, you know, it's a, it's a fun thing to do. Let's talk about Peoria.


Yeah, so Bridge is going, I'm not going, but I played in a local tournament this past weekend. Wasn't very big, like 20 people or so, but it was a case tournament, which was cool. Um, it's the first local tournament that I played in, in a, probably since the pandemic, um, minus that one. New Jersey tournament that was kind of like a small regional size. Um, so I played the format. I just played Paia, but, so I played a decent amount of the format. Not a ton, a ton, but it's pretty cool. I like it so far. Um, great. You've been testing, I presume? Yeah, yeah. I tested quite a bit over the weekend at my parents' house and don't have as much to do as, as usual, so that's just kind of like all I did Saturday and Sunday. Nice and what have, So I played Pia Inteleon at my tournament, but mostly because, Well, I do think P Inteleon is really good still, and we can get into that a little bit, but I also just didn't have any new cards, so.


Right, right. It was, it was, I have these cards. I have this deck built. Let's roll,


right? Yeah. Yeah. I did pull a DRE on V out of my. Uh, packs from Baltimore. And so I did end up throwing that in there cause I saw some Mew user in the room. Uh, but that, so I played a new card, but that was it. Um, I've played a little bit of Lost box online and played a little bit of Reggies in this format. What else have I played? I've played a little bit of loss on Dialga, not too much, uh, and. About it. I'm trying to, I'm in the process of building a vika vault deck right now. Um, but I haven't played any games with it. Brent. Where, what have you been tested? Uh, I've tested, lost stuff the most, Um, GT more so than, I haven't really put any games at all into the Save I Charizard box version. I just, I just don't ever like those kind of decks. I don't, I don't ever like these Turbo decks that are just like trying to cheese out crazy first turns and just like switch thing, switch thing, switch thing. I just, that's just boring to play. So I've played a lot more gu. Um, I'm definitely, gu is what I've tested the most, but I, I don't like it. I've played it a lot and I just like, something always feels a little off to me when I play it. There's just, there's a lot of micromanaging that can go wrong and. The way the lists are constructed, you don't have any search for the VStar. So I, I, I find there's a lot of, there's a, like, huge lack of agency there. You just like have to, you just have to find the, and it's pretty easy, like between coloring as much as possible and comfy, like you find them, but then they'll just like, It just, it just feels weird compared to just like, Oh, I need to evolve into Pia this turn, no problem. Here's my incense kind of thing. It's, it's a weird dynamic. And so like the lists, usually I think what's become standard for the GU list, regardless of if you're playing like a two, two or a three, three gu, somewhere in, in there is like four VIP pass and three quick ball, and that's kind of the end of your search. And. And so it's just again, kind of, I'm missing the gu. So sometimes especially combined with hand disruption, which um, I think is like maybe just an artifact of people trying new cards, new lists. Wasn't all that popular, but I think people are realizing that cards like Marnie are, uh, of course very good, but particularly very good against these lost decks. Lost zone decks because they, they do basically just have, get a fat, fat hand, like after the first turn or two. Like, you don't, you don't play any discard dry, You're only playing chorus. Um, chorus is experiment and like doing comfy stuff every turn and drawing cards with G Ninja. So your hands are huge a lot of the time. And so like the, the Shuffle Reset is particularly strong. Again, slow stacks. Um, and so like if you're already struggling to find GT and you have this huge hand and it just like all goes to the bottom, like it perhaps are in the same predicament, um, just feels like the timing, the timing, getting the timing right for GT just doesn't feel consistent to me both, in both in this sort of search issue as well as just like, It's just awkward too. Cause you don't play that many bosses unless like you can't, you're not attacking with it very early with the cause. You know, say you're playing rcs, like sure, just attack with it as soon as you've powered up rcs. But here you have to hit seven in the zone of like Mirage Gate to really get there. And that can like be a turn, that can be like on the third term sometimes even, which is a little late and like that. Another thing, just on the topic of not really enjoying the way these decks plays, I think, I don't think I played them greedy enough. I think I've always played them far too conservatively. And that's my problem of just like hanging onto the wrong things and suddenly I'm just like, Oh, now I've only got five in the lost zone. Still like, shoot, Um, that sort of thing. But so I've played, played a lot of lost zone. Um, the other deck I've been playing a lot with is Kiem. I really like Kiem. Um, trying to play a little Azul. Um, I have a friend who's really like so Arceus and I think is gonna play it this weekend, and I trust him. So trying to see if I like it at all. Um, but otherwise I don't think there's really anything else on my radar. I think Paia and Tian is a very, very safe call. I think it's like, Really very good against basically everything new. The only matchups that personally worried me is, um, this kind of uptick and tank decks from the Limitless Online. Um, over this past weekend, there was a really, really sort of, uh, wide variety of decks in Top Cut. And so there's, there's two G decks in the format now. One is rcs Gora, um, which. Similar to rcs to route, I suppose. Obviously it's not really blocking anything, but you're just a big tank producing damage, healing with hyper potions as well as there being the loss zone. Combined just with Udra, um, and doing, doing similar things with there, but using Mirage Gate and other things to get powered up. Um, and those, I know that's what Mikey lost too in his window box. And so I don't know if it's all that bad of a matchup, but like on paper, I mean, yeah, like we've always known that like rcs on like if it doesn't, you know, clunk up, it does have a Goodman and things like that. And so it's just, it's a similar case. Um, No, that's, And Kira is just kind of the answer to that. Kru is just kind of like the new shiny better version than the ice Rider. Pia, I think Kira just has some natural acceleration and can get bigger faster and just does more damage than ice Rider. And so it's like more or less the same deck, um, outside of that point. But your, your damage is just a little bit better. Um, but not a whole lot different other than that, um, I don't feel I like cure'em a lot. I don't feel like you have like, overwhelmingly great matchups. I do think that you have pretty fine matchups against almost everything. Like, I guess one thing in my thought process, um, for trying to figure it out, figure out what to play is like there's, there's such a dynamic right now with Ole and like decks playing it and obviously as a way to try to shut down the lost zone engine. Um, because, um, if you get them in the active and potentially with the second one on your bench so they can't rope around it, you just like, ideally shut them down. And I'm, I'm personally pretty skeptical. I don't think Napoleon is all that good, but in terms of just like, I wanna play games, you know, I wanna play, I wanna play games every round. Um, I wanna have like good hands and not, not have to worry about that. So I just like when I, when I could tell early on that I just was not vibing with Gu. Like, that's when I was just like, I'm just gonna opt out of this like canceling cologne and poon answer conversation. I'm just not gonna even consider this deck. And basically for that reason, like even, you know, even with the heavy canceling cologne version, Path to the Peak thing like that, um, I think you'll still like suffer a drop pass a game or two here, there against him, poon. And I think there's gonna be a lot of people playing Napoleon. I think that, um, people are overcompensating with it for sure. But all that to say is I just think I wanna play a deck that like I have a chance to win every game. That I'm like seeing supporters and things like that. And so that's, that's more where my thought process is. So it's probably like, you know, closer to like playing for playing for points versus like playing for first. That seems fine to me. But, um, you know, these tournaments are huge. So like, you know, you never know, but consistency seems to prove itself again and again as being the real, the real answer, the real tech. Um, but yeah, there's, there's a lot of viable decks. I think, you know, if anything, if we learned anything from the limitless tournament, There's a lot of things viable, particularly Thanks. So the last sewage in it's like, can go, go with a lot of things pretty well. The colors, Mirage Gate, powers, anything up. Um, and so that's cool to see. But then as well as like we've seen like Blissey sort of seeing more play again, there's obviously Mew, EX probably, probably both. We'll see play, but I would guess the, the double Turbo version will see more, um, I don't know. I've actually thought about this and don't have a good answer. Is the, like assuming no one is, there's not a heavy count, heavy amount of like Lost City everywhere is like the old, is like Piper's Deck. Is that still a legitimate thing or is it just like, Not good for other reasons, but I haven't, I guess you're just not good against Save-a-lot, and that's why. Yeah, I think that's the biggest thing is the deck is pretty, I don't think it's great against the one prize lost box deck because they can pretty easily hop ahead in the prize trade and you just can't. So I, that matchup is probably close to unwinnable would be my guess. I haven't actually played it. I've just assumed. So um, yeah, that sounds right. Like they can go, they can take the first prize pretty easily with Cramorant and then also. Get a double KO at some point with save, I probably, so they're probablyI or, and also could potentially attack with gria. Like obviously those are different loss of index, but just like having, having access to that sort of thing and can just save eye down your Manaphy and you don't have to worry about like a switcher co play. Mm-hmm. Yeah, exactly right. Um, yeah. Okay. You said a lot of stuff that we can. Bounce off of. Um, yeah, I, the tank decks are kind of, there's like an interesting dynamic where a lot of, there's a lot of viable strategies, like you said. Um, the law zone kind of added more decks, but it's cool cuz they're not like super overpowered. It's not like when Arceus came out and then. It was the deck and then Pia came out and it was the deck and the law zone stuff came out and they're good, but they're not like, they're not so good that they're pushing out everything else that was good before, which is cool. It's just different. Um, except for chars are I do. Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure. Except for charter. Um, yeah, it's funny, like charge everyone from being like maybe the best deck in the format to being unplayable. Yeah. That was ironic or something. Yeah, it's crazy. Um, but I guess you could say a little bit the same with our, you speak at you, um, like nobody's been talking about that. I'm not sure if it's just bad or if people are. Underselling it again, I suppose. Um, like I know Sableye goes through it. You're still a big boy. You've still got a lot of hp. It's not like you're getting one shot by the state Lele or anything like that. So I don't know. I feel like I haven't seen anybody talk about that, and I'm not sure. I think it's pretty bad against the G version. I don't think the rcs, I mean, I think in general, RCS with colors is just not a good deck anymore. Like whether that. Melmetal dark, blah, blah, blah. I think it's these, these tank rcs are going back to old rcs Inteleon, which. Saw play and limit list and I think does have a good, uh, lost box matchup just because of the heel manipulation and places 70 HP soles and things like that. And isn't, isn't like a keep call, wasn't a keep calling kind of Inteleon deck to begin with. Um, but that's, that's my logic essentially is I just, I just don't think that, um, it can compete more with gu. It can't then the like, I'm sure it probably does have a fine, um, s I matchup or like, it might, I mean, that's a little difficult, like how can you really s i the Pikachu enough times and like still win the prize race? Like, probably not. And so like the list doesn't play boss, so they don't, you don't have a switcher or a. Wrote Boss Play, but sometimes they do play Switcher, um, which could be a similar play. But yeah, I just think it's bad against GU and that, I mean, I don't, I don't think rcs GU is any good either, but like people try to play that with Pikachu still usually, like if there has to be like an RCS color deck and I think it's just like, has so many colors. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I've seen where I've seen more, There was a. It might have been in the Limitless, but yeah, it just looked like awful. There was just like at least one or two more colors involved too. It was like a one, one Pikachu and like stuff like that. And I'm just like, Ah, I don't think so, buddy. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. I mean, and that's like another reason that I think Pia is in a really good spot because RJ Pikachu was one of, if not, its worst matchup in the last meta. And if that, Not really a thing. Pia doesn't really have any super weak matchups. Um, something else you said in Poon. I also agree, I think in poon kind of sucks. Um, and yeah, I just don't feel like. Like it's worth the spots. I feel like the decks that can play in poon effectively can just play like two good cards that are good against the lost box stuff. And also just good in general. So like when I play P Inteleon, I just put in a big charm and I think a big does a lot of work both against T and against the lost box deck. So obviously against T, you put yourself up pre 10, you force them to have. The lost vacuum card. Um, and similarly verse, lost box. One of their common plays is to put some damage counters on a PIA early on with Sableye to set up for the ard. KO later and. So if they put three counters and then at some point you put the big charm down, now they have to find their lost vacuum, put three more counters and whatnot. And if you combine big charm with Roxanne towards the end of the game, like Roxanne Path, big charm, and against both of those decks, it just forces'em to have more each time. So I think that's like. Good. It's a pretty like good soft counter and big charm is also good in a lot of other situations that, uh, we've already seen, like Andrew Estrada and other people played big charm. Um, it has a lot of the same use cases as tool jammer did against Reggies. It's good, um, and whatnot. So like I think big charms like a pretty soft counter that's also good versus other things. Um, you mentioned you can play the 70 HP sos. I'm not like a hundred percent sure. One way or the other, but, uh, like you can do that, You could play ordinary route if you wanted to, to shuffle back soles so they don't get echoing horned. There's lots of things like that that I think, um, are just better than playing in poon. And especially if the lost lost, some of the lost zone decks are playing, like canceling clone and Path to the Peak. Now you've totally wasted deck space playing in Poon. So, um, yeah, and it


feels like when Brit was describing it, it felt like one of those cards where. You hope other people play it to force other people to play around it. Yeah. And then you definitely streamline and you win, right?


Yes, exactly. Right. And it's probably gonna work like Alex Sch Mansky won the Lost, uh, the big late night last night with Lost Box with three canceling cologne. And I'm really glad he won because I was, definitely, felt like the community was like really overreacting to for Cologne. Cuz he, like, that was where it came from. Alex initially and the list. But like, he didn't do that well. And so I'm just like, why is this the meta now? Like it didn't even top cut or even went. But now, like last night I was like, Oh, he went with it. Great. People should respect this now. But before I was just, I don't even know if that's that good. Like, but anyways, Yeah. I mean the thing with Napoleon too, is it just like there's a lot of starts where like you just lose, Like even if you can get the ole. Like it's, it's conditional kind of on a lot of factors, especially for like, you know, I've seen like regular Pia Inteleon lists like play one and they'll just like, you just retreat to it and draw, pass and I'm just like, but then you just can't do that if you start Pia. You know, anything like that. Yeah. Um, okay, so let's, since we were talking about him, pull on, let's talk about the other big tech card and the format now, which is Dre Beyond. Um, I'm really interested to see, cuz I also agree that Mew is a pretty solid deck. It has pretty decent matchups all around, but it's kind of a big question mark. If I was playing Mew on how much Draper on I expect to see, um, like I've mentioned, I put Draper on in P Inteleon just cuz. There was a couple other good players at a 20 that were playing Mew. If I'm going into Peoria, am I playing drap on Inteleon? Probably not. I think the matchup is good enough for Pia. But if I'm playing something maybe like your deck Brit, like Kiron Pia, which it's similar to the ice Rider of Pia that the Mew matchup was not as good, like definitely slightly unfavor. Um, you can play drip on and you make your me match. At least 50 50 if not better. Are you gonna kill something? Yeah. Right. So like a deck like that is much more enticing for me to play drap on Inteleon. Um, so are you considering playing drap Pon in your kru? I would. I play drap on, Yeah. I don't think the matchup is that bad without it, but it's really good with it because it's really not that hard and this is something that ice Rider. Struggle to get to, but km can, One shot Mew is much easier than ice Rider could. And so like, it's not terribly unrealistic just to like blow up two kms to Mew VMax, but it's like, it's pretty tough to get there sometimes. Um, just with how fast Mew gets going. Um, and obviously if you just like stutter and only only have like one em down, it can get hard. Like it's obviously that's kind of like the, the trick of that deck versus really aggressive stuff is getting kru and Pia sufficiently down to use both, both drap beyond is just like, I'm gonna, you just get like a free three three prizer and can just like power up the cure in the meantime too, or like, uh, you know, potentially play recovery and just scrap on them again. While they're going around it, or I guess they would never go around it. I guess they also wanna lost city it too, ideally. So like I, you know, if we're talking in like, perhaps like best scenario for the Mew player, you only get to once. Right. Um, but yeah, I, I definitely, I definitely play it and it's one of those things like just trying to like. Not lose certain matchups. Like I'll, I'll coin toss like the hard ones like lose to Paki Inteleon. But I just like, every time I want, like never lose to rcs, never lose a Mew like I want. Just like, like that's sort of my thought process with the deck on top of just like trying to pick something that's gonna let me play games no matter what. Mm-hmm. And that, that's another part of it too. Just like it plays a pretty good support account. Like it's not as, you know, evolution ball heavy, kind of like the Inteleon list, but it still is playing a lot of arita. It's still playing a lot of Melony. It still has space for Marnie and Roxanne as well. And so like, I guess, I mean, I guess maybe to talk about my list in the second, my list is really nothing like, um, the ones that are doing well online. I guess first and foremost, all of those play. To in Poon, which I'm confident is bad. Um, but otherwise they're also, But then they also waste space with like roam phones and just a bunch of other trainers. I'm, I basically, I started with towards World's List and like worked, worked from there. Like, that's, that's the template I went with. Cause he had. Four, four Pia, and I'm just like, All right, well now I have two, two of both of them. And then that's just kind of how it works. So, um, but I, I do cross switchers, which I think are very important. I think that having that with the, the one shot potential of Kira is just bonkers. Like it's, it seems silly not, not to do that with being able to, Pressure in that way in any matchup. Um, and so yeah, I think that the online list that are doing well, sort of with these other archetypes, like I think to me that's a testament of the power of the deck. Um, but I think, I think my list is a little bit better. Um, Do you play bi? No, I don't. I want to. I've thought about it. Um, it certainly makes the heavy. The super heavy discard, which I don't, I don't play quite as heavy as toward did, like, with four of all the balls. But, um, I'd like to, but it's, it's like hard with the bench space being realistic about it. Um, do you play one Oranguru or two? I play two Oranguru. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I feel like with bench space, could you want greninja you want, you want ideally to cure one P. Like that's, that's it. It's, I don't know if it's realistic to really always have. Playing. I've, I've thought about a one, one and I like, I really think I could fit one, one or two. Two if I needed to. Um, I am not, I'm, I don't play it at the moment. Um, but that, that's really just the main difference between towards list and mind in the Pokegear differences. But I would like looking more at like Grant's world's list yesterday and like kind of chewing on some changes, kind of more on that front, like mm-hmm. tracking shoes, Mew, things like that, um, that are Crobat that might be worth playing, but. The cross winds, I think are probably a pretty big deal. Like when I was playing it, playing against it, I just always assumed like, Oh, you know, if they wanna kill something, next turn, they're gonna have to Melony, and thus, It just makes your, your opponent be able to play much more predictably against you. So the cross switchers seem good. The biggest thing, I guess, and I'm sure you've noticed without bi, you're a little weak to hand disruption as well. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, it seems good. Have you tried Thorton at all? No. no. That's just another thing too. I agree that I think Thornton is pretty bad in general just to, I guess, back up, uh, near take before the set came out. But like, you just don't have the, you don't have, you don't have the, to find it when you need to. So just like, it seems really, it seems really weak. Um, and that, and similarly EX and for the exact same reasons why. Struggle to evolve, guarantee to Sometimes I just like, I don't know why it would be good in lost box. Cause you just, like, you magically have it when you need to. Like, and then it's good, but that, that just doesn't sound like a good card to me. Like, I guess you, I guess that that plays Lele mini on and um, so could this one potentially as well. But nah, I don't really mess with it.


I don't, The one one BI in Baltimore and while his deck was terrible and he did horrendous, he found. People were like much more aggressive with Roxanne. He, he was like the one one, Viv was like the thing I did most frequently in all the games I played. Even as one, one, he, he found like he


got a lot of value out of it. I don't see too many games, but like one thing that I do all the time that I don't know if is all that common or. You know, people like people like me don't often read their cards but Kira can attach to anything. So you can, you can like grin two turns in a row and do crazy stuff like that sometimes. So like, plays like that are important to, to be aware of as well. And that's, that's something that like, no, like that p obviously can't do. Like there's, I guess if you play Thornton perhaps, but, um, But yeah, that's, that's very good and, and cannot, can be very punishing to certain decks, like, even if you're not taking knockouts. But I do think that it, like having the potential to do that can potentially like solve, help you in the single prize matchups. Like it gets veggies, like you do it, you do it twice and take two prizes and that, that can be enough to. Um, keep up in the prize race if you, if you start off strong enough. Um, just little, little things like that. Um mm-hmm. Yeah, Kiem. The main reason I just sort of thinking Keam over p Andt Leafeon is just because I don't wanna lose to the tanky stuff and it's just a freebie with Kiem. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. I do think that tanky stuff is pretty good. Like, I think I was I do too. I do too. Yeah. I was pretty impressed by, uh, the Arceus Gure that I lost to, is my friend Patrick playing it and. Like one of the three games we played, three games. I won one of them, but one of the ones that I lost, he didn't need to use Arceus VStar. So like at any point during the game he could just heal his gora and I was three Shoting the Gora, I couldn't even two shot it. So like I hit it twice. And put it at 200 and then he just heals the whole thing. And then like, I can't win from that point, the game's over. Um, so like, that's really cool. Um, GRE is pretty strong. I think it's gonna surprise some people. I wouldn't be surprised if it does, uh, pretty well at this event. Uh, and oh yeah, and the, and, and then we, Yeah. We saw Blissey come in second yesterday. I don't know how Alex beat it in the finals. Like that matchup seemed so good for Blissey, but. Yeah, that's another thing I guess wanted to mention too, is like not only did we see these decks over the weekend, uh, in the Limitless doing well, but they've, they've done, they've done on, on well online every day since then too. So like, I, I don't think they'll be all that popular of place still. Um, but I, I definitely do think they're a good decks and do expect them to do well. Which again, part of why I'm pretty sure if, if I do end up making it there, um, Kara seems like the right option to me. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Um, and like the Mew. The Mew matchups with these tanky decks are interesting because Mew can save all their power tablets in theory to take one big knockout. But like Gure, that's only two prizes. And if you set up two gures, they can't do that twice. Um, and then maybe these tanky decks play a drap on as well, um, to make their Mew matchup better. And then really their only real bad matchup then would be kiem. So, And then I guess just being clunky, like yeah, that was my one thought about like Patrick's list. Cause like it just, it looked pretty, it didn't look like uber consistent. It's like it's missing the bi or something to bring it together. But like ideally you just see draw supporters every turn and it's, it's no big deal. But yeah, I do. I do think also the online most have started playing Dre Theon as well. Oh, interesting. Yeah.


The game that you won,


was there anything special about. Uh, I went first and yeah, I went first and I used, I think it, I think that game I got like the turn two, like turn one, I got two Paks down and so I was able to VStar onto the basic pakia cross, switcher up the Gira before it evolved and kill it with the basic paia and. Then like I only had four prizes left and I think I were able to like boss up the next gora, not kill it, but like hit it for a bunch before it used its attack. And I just got like, I just did too much damage too fast. Right. Going first. It's great. First something that that came up in our group chat too, I was just like, ah, well, you know, like Kiri has a bad match of going second against Pia, but like what doesn't, So yeah. Yeah, exactly.


If you let that stop you, you'll never play anything, right? Yeah.


Right. Exactly. And you'll only click P


second against p. Like there's no


winning. I think if I was going and had been testing really seriously, v Azul is the most interesting deck to me. I don't, I think the decks out there, the lists out there are pretty cool, but that is something that I feel like has a lot more space to explore now. The drap beyond VStar is really cool. So, uh, I'm gonna be testing. All right. We got less than two minutes. Brent. You wanna wrap us up,


guys? It's that easy. Uh, uh, another fantastic week. Hopefully people are able to get to Peoria without too many problems and PE


South is gonna be in trouble potentially. Yeah. Brent, stay safe if you're one of those, A listener in the, the neck of the hurricane, neck of the woods is a hurricane. Ray, you're driving right? So hopefully you're. Yeah. Yeah. It's like I don't actually still know exactly where Peoria is, but if I should be going to St. Louis, probably just meeting people there.


Nice. Yeah. It seems like most of the rain is in the east, so


Yeah. I know some people are already like canceling their flights. Yeah. So yeah, stay safe to anybody that's traveling. Sucks that it's like, I feel like this has happened before where there's been like a big storm just happens to be on the same weekend, but


yeah. Yep. Definitely has happened. All right. Thanks a lot everybody. We'll catch you next week with, with like the top, uh, 50 list. It'll be amazing. Yeah.