The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast
The Trashalanche is hosted by Brent Halliburton, Brit Pybas and Mike Fouchet and is mostly about Pokemon and mostly about the TCG.
201 episodes
New Year, New Pod - just when you thought you were out, we pull you back in!
Season 1
Episode 198

Who takes the ID at 5-2? LAIC prep, Sacramento prep, ShenoyDrago, ChaoGardy, LiamPidgey - What is BDIF?
Season 1
Episode 197

Election night distraction edition: Gdansk, Tord, Money Match, Regi, 4.9K PTCGL & More!
Season 1
Episode 196

Regidrago, Gardy, Pidgey, Worlds & More!
Not the best editing or audio, but another episode out the door!
Season 1
Episode 187

NAIC! The Shambles, Lug, Gardy, Bolt, Pult, and more!
Liam is scrambling! Here is the current thought process with theory god Abaan Ahmed.
Episode 181