The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

The Caturday Episode! The Pokemon Unite Episode! Social Justice: Sexism, Masks, Earth-shattering news about Marnie!, Ice Rider v Shadow Rider, SSH-on: Inteleon VMax, Sandaconda

July 29, 2021 Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 51
The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast
The Caturday Episode! The Pokemon Unite Episode! Social Justice: Sexism, Masks, Earth-shattering news about Marnie!, Ice Rider v Shadow Rider, SSH-on: Inteleon VMax, Sandaconda

Mean at minimum, we can just say that, like we're, you know, in solidarity, I always find it a little hard to like, we're, we're three white guys. Right. So I don't want to like,




like we're the, you know, the, the end all be all of trying to help figure this stuff out, but like, you also want to acknowledge it too. So it's a weird space to All right. So maybe, I mean, I still, I, I would still like to say at least like, acknowledge that, you know you know, being parked cause like I play a ton of Hearthstone, so like I want to acknowledge like, you know, I'm not playing Hearthstone today. Like I really sympathize and empathize with, with everything that, you know, the female employees are going through and it's shitty, it's a bad situation. So I mean, even if it's just like that, something like that, I just want, I'll probably say something at some point. Yeah.


Why don't we say it let's go. Let's kick off the bottom of that stuff


Yeah, that's just seems like


you got stuff,


way to do it.


Okay. Can I have everyone so besides Pokemon, the number one game that I play, actually probably much more than Pokemon, to be honest with you, is Hearthstone specifically battlegrounds. And I just wanted to take a second to acknowledge what is going on at blizzard Activision right now, for those of you that are not aware, they're the state of California com has filed a lawsuit against blizzard for human resource circumstances. I don't know all the details, but it sounds like there is a pervasive culture of sexual harassment and other related things against females. Employees probably non-binary employees as well, probably even more so targeting people of color, women of color. And today was I know the employees of blizzard are doing a walkout of sorts to protest, especially protesting the companies, the executives of the company's response to said lawsuit. And I just wanted to acknowledge that I think all three of us stand firmly with, with the employees and I not playing Hearthstone today. I am not watching any Hearthstone streams, which I typically do every single day. So yeah.


When we were talking about this before the pod, one of the things Mike said is a new recognize. It's tough for, for three white guys to even in some ways, figure out how to be helpful advocating in the space. But in a way we want to do everything we can to support the cause. And I'm a big believer that. A lot of the like sexism and challenges that you see at places like lizard this like concept of like a broey culture that spills over into gaming. And it's part of the challenges we have with creating a supportive environment for women in gaming and the fact that women in the workplace and women in gaming and women out there in the world, just going out to a bar on a Friday night, all have it tough in a variety of ways is just a reprehensible in my thing.


As I guess an employee participating in the walkout. I think I want to just tackle it for more general terms. You know, I, I come at this from philosophy as I do most things and in philosophy there's really, really wonderful sub sub sections of just feminism on almost any, any topic you can think of. And for me it just strikes me always as common sense. So when we're talking about things like epistemological feminism, or maybe in more basic terms, like what does it mean to experience the world from this perspective and as you know, white men, I think we do have to acknowledge the fact that, you know, the way that we experience the world is fundamentally different than the way that these other people, regardless of race, gender, all of that, it's all all packed into these differing unique lived experiences. And, you know, part of that is what makes, why is existence so interesting is we're all sort of unique people, but until we sort of take the time, take the, take the space or truly, and fundamentally acknowledge that we do experience things, even though it's the same world, the same reality until we acknowledged that we experienced them in different ways. I don't think there's any real progress that can be made in as unfortunate as it is. You know, we can go back almost a decade now to talking about things like Gamergate, but blizzard or not. This is just par for the course. For nerd culture, gaming culture, I don't really care how you want to put it. I think all of our issues are so interwoven from each other. It's excessively difficult to really take them apart. But I think for our game, for Pokemon, when we have sort of explicitly the spirit of the game and things like that, it would just be a disservice to this thing, this enterprise that we all get to enjoy and compete at. And so on, it would just be wrong, a grave disservice. If we didn't take the space to acknowledge things like this and you know, put our, put our cards down on the table, so to speak, and these are the values that we stand for. And we think that the community as a whole and the game collectively sort of should as well, so polarizing or not, I think this had to be, we, we would have just. Not been taking our jobs, our positions as being somewhat of voices for this community. If we didn't sort of give the time and space to talk about this and serious terms. And so thank you for allowing for that.


I it's great that those employees are arising have to do this. I mean, this kind of stuff is not without risks. I mean, when you look at like the Google AI team, how they fired all the leadership there, when leadership spoke up about you know, racism and sexism that they saw it in the workplace organizing a big walkout like this, like people should recognize it is not without risks for the employees and advocates, eh, of lizard.


I'd like to think I'd like to understand that the people at TPC I, you know, are of course onboard with this too. And unfortunately, I can't say what their workplace is. Like, I hope there aren't similar issues, but at least in sort of basic terms that I've mentioned spirit and the game already, but I just don't think there's a way to authentically genuinely play Pokemon and joint Pokemon. Unless you're letting everyone do it first, right. Unless you're letting everyone sort of have access to what you're able to have access to. And so maybe just thinking about that, like it's really, as basic as you know, don't do to other people that you don't want them to do to you. As simple as that might be, you know, maybe, you know, if you're listening to this and your initial, your immediate reaction is to insult us to get angry or things like that, or just sort of encourage you to pause for a second and introspect and figure out why that's your reaction. And I think it might be a little different than you perhaps are led to believe


yeah. Great pod guys.


let's move on to the The equally exciting topic of masks.


Welcome to the Trashalanche. It's me, Brett Halliburton here as always with Brett Pybas pushy attendance is 100% and episode 51. We do it week in and week out. Responsive by channel fireball. We appreciate their financial support of the pod. It helps make things like the pod possible. Five star review update, no new reviews this week. People you to leave a review and we read it on the pod and August 5th would be the anniversary of our first episode. You could leave us a review on the anniversary of our first episode, all the other podcasts make it sound like that's super important. So we appreciate it when you do. So let's jump right in guys, Pokemon announces mass requirements. And I have to be honest, I think maybe I don't follow quite the right people on Twitter because I felt like I saw the outrage about the outrage, but I never really saw a lot about.


Yeah, I agree. I didn't see many people being saying that we shouldn't wear masks. Maybe it was, maybe it was on Burbank. Maybe it's like all on Facebook. I don't know. I never go on Facebook or I never go on Burbank anymore.


Yeah, I think it's Burbank and the, the notorious hell account. They, I'm not didn't, I'm not in either group, so I occasionally see screencaps here and there. Yeah. But yeah, I don't, I don't recall seeing too many, but throughout the panel and I make, I've seen, there have been plenty of enough threads here and there. That it's not surprising that I guess you just always, you know, you just always going to have to fight it, I guess, for whatever reasons. It's just so I don't know how much of it is just in a related to the, the other issue too. Just people are emboldened as keyboard warriors, things like that. People just want to argue. And I, I just, I don't know. I just think, you know, based on my ex there, and just other things like half the people that are probably causing a fight over having to wear a mask, like they probably weren't going to events like very often in the first place. I don't know if that makes sense, but I just so rare. It's so rare. Like a named player is saying something ridiculous. It's just always like total nobody's and I, without sounding too mean or something like that, I think that's just the only response is just to continue going on. And of course like that can't always be the case, but, you know, again, related to what we were talking about initially at a certain point, arguing, arguing with these sorts of people, when you have to start sort of verbally combat. These people over, over what really seemed like, you know, cut and dry, very, very basic positions. Like, should we treat all people? Well, like yes or no? No. Like, no, of course, of course not. It's like a basic fact or at least it should be. Yeah. So, and then when you argue with them, you know, obviously you're not changing, anyone's mine, all you sort of do is inadvertently just broadcast their opinion. And so there's just like, there's just something to be said about ignoring it. Did you just try and do ignore it to your best of your ability? And when I think as people in the community, not just us, but the people, the mods of, for bank to people who are, are Gallant enough to have these sorts of arguments on Facebook all the time. Like, because I think as a community in general, we are, you know, in the right direction on board for the right things. Like you just have to treat the outliers like that. Just ignore them. Don't give them the time of day. Just, you know, you weren't, you weren't a relevant player now and you won't wear a mask, I guess you still won't be a relevant player next. These and I, things like that. Like, and again, I think that that's a little harsher than, I mean it to sound, but at the same time, again, we're, we're disagreeing on some non-negotiable set of facts, I think both in terms of, you know, women or science or not, but treating people well, and I think is what is at the heart of either of these notions. And if you, if your base reaction is to argue, to disagree with something, as simple as that, I don't know what to say. Yeah.


Yeah, I don't have much else to add. I know I saw Ethan Hexter was kind of going back and forth for his event, whether he was gonna have people wear masks or not wear masks. But once I, once that like Pokemon document surface to use like, all right masks, it is, and I feel like that's the right choice.


Yeah, here. Here's the hot take. I'll give you guys I think that this is really good. I think the most important thing that makes it really, really good is just like the announcement, what worlds, this is a necessary step for them to announce a regional schedule,




right? Like they couldn't have announced a regional schedule without saying we have a mass policy for these regionals. Here's what the mass policy is. So now they've announced the mass policy. They're just clear on the runways Fred announcing in person and are coming back. Right. Did it, it would be it would have caused chaos. If they had said here's a schedule of in-person events without announcing a policy. So they've got their ducks in a row and they, they, they got, you know, another bowling pin down in the inexorable path towards, we are going to have some events. Right. I mean, the, the idea of people have to be six feet apart. If people have to be wearing masks if you're a Tio trying to pull together a regional event or thinking about lead cups or whatever, like you have to think, can I accommodate that or not? And like, you know, the answer has to be yes, because this is the policy. If we're going to have a regional, and this is going to be a policy like the tier has got to know before they booked the event. So, so really good news because, you know, Pokemon has gotten ahead of the curve a little bit and the tos now know, and, you know, they can design regionals structured to accommodate this. It would have been bad if we've put the cart before the horse and people that announced a bunch of regionals, and then they'd announced this policy. And then we found out that, you know, each regional can only have 200 people and it costs$500 per person to go because they got to pay the bills.


that's what I was actually going to just ask that if you guys thought that prices would go up, if if people do hold regionals, because maybe they have less people or need more space, that's like one possibility, or it might be that all these venues, like their, their rent prices have gone down because they're trying to attract people. I'm not really sure.


Yeah, that's a great question. I have no idea.


Yeah. Cause we were already playing, paying whatever, like 50, 60 bucks, hopefully. Yeah. I would, I, it would be ideal not to have to pay a hundred bucks to play in a tournament, but we'll see, I guess


What are we talking about extras for a second? So how has extras doing as a way, let's talk about upcoming tournaments and tournaments that you guys did this past week before we talk about Pokemon unite and then actually like, you know, playing the TCG have you started like prepping for the extra tournament?


I mean, a little bit. So I, I mentioned before the pod, one of my friends, Joseph or bolt came over last week and we played some games first time playing with in real life cards in a year or So and we played some ice rider, verse Shadow Rider in the post rotation format. But that's pretty much it I've started talking to people, And paying attention to the Scarce sword and shield on? events, which we'll talk a little bit more later. But yeah, not, not too much. And I didn't really play any events this week. All of my Pokemon was ladder with Katter day besides the in real life stuff. But I think headmasters is on Yeah, like officially 93 players have registered so far. I'm not sure about the other event, the 10 K one. That one is you can't really see. I don't think how many people have signed up. So, I mean, they're both going And it's next weekend or 10 days from now.


Brett, I assume it's the same story for you. It's definitely the same story for me. Did you only play games with Canada?


Yeah Um, I'm forgetting format, and I'm still, but, you know, that was just kind of the dwindling interest in the online scene. That just seems like the format solved or, you know, there are less actors, meta meta game advancements as, as fast and consistently as we were, you know, months ago when the live tournaments route is still doing well. and I guess that is this isn't to say that they're doing poorly, like chill, chill has a good turnout every week still. And just, just, I don't know. Sometimes you see that you see, uh, someone posts their results and it was like four rounds or a lot of those tournaments are like, I just wouldn't even bother, you know, considering that as data, whereas a win or whatever. Um, but yeah, Canada is great and Shadow Rider Alcremie is tough.


So let's wait, before I drop into Canada, Mike, it sounds like you did a bunch of post rotation testing of Shadow Rider versus ice rider. Any big takeaways.


Metro seems very close, but so I was playing the ice rider with the Path to the Peak. I do want to try the list that runs like a bunch of the ping Inteleon. Cause I think that could be better or worse with, and it doesn't run past the peak. So I don't know, but that's and peak is obviously very good again, Shadow Rider, but having the extra pings means maybe you can, one-shot essentially via maxes. So we played, I think we. Four games or six games, either way we went split, we went even split. But the way that the metric plays out, the games that Shadow Rider wins are complete blowouts and destroys ice rider. But the games that I used to ride her wins always feel very close. And so I think, I still think the matchup itself is pretty close to 50 50, but it doesn't feel that way. Like, it feels like Shadow Rider is, should be favored, but I just don't think that's the way the games play out. If that makes sense.


I feel like all the testing I did, it was like, if you can get the Path to the Peak, the stick for like two turns, that's, you know, you, you, you have the opportunity for like a big tempo swing particularly early, right? Like if you're, if you're able to drop it down and turn one, and he's just like hanging out, you're in fantastic shape. And you know, if he's able to like bounce it pretty quickly, it's virtually impossible.


the I will say I was just playing one of the ping Inteleon and that was actually really important because with three pings you can one shot the Alcremie. So just getting it out somewhat early and, you know, throughout the game, being able to do that three times is, is a really, really big deal. So


found the same thing. I think I was playing in the same list that you had played and when we were testing it, I think I opted for the quick shooting. Inteleon first, more frequently than I opted for that. The other Inteleon because yeah, like I was like, oh, in three turns, this master really gonna matter. You, you definitely kind of get there with a couple of pings, but I dunno if I could cut the Path to the Peak. If I was trying to improve the Shadow Rider match up because it's like really good.


Yeah, I agree. And it's also like, can see it against Eternatus, which I think is not a terrible deck in post rotation as well. So Yeah. I dunno.


Yeah. At the big scene. I mean, the only way I want any of those games was a steady stream of Path to the Peak.


Past the beak, Marnie, it's not as good as past the Peak. stamp, but still pretty good.


Know, actually the, in our testing, my my phone and was saying, he was thinking he would go to five stadiums if people were really playing forecasts with peak and all their decks. Cause he was like, I got a bounce, this path that big, you know, we're, we're gonna need to bring me more than four stadiums in the Shadow Rider deck. I'll go all the way to five.


the other thing played with real cards is as predicted, it's very strange to Marnie.


I was going to ask you if you had to get it again, lost yourself.


Yeah, we didn't do that. We were very cognizant of it but it just feels weird,


Yeah. Yeah. We, we didn't have any problems. I have no idea why, you know what I think it's because there's so few shuffle and draw effects in index now, besides Marnie.


Yeah. I think if like, Cynthia was in the format as well,




then it would be, much yeah. Much dicier. Are you guys aware? So it didn't, it almost happened in one of the games. So there, so Marnie, the way that Marnie has written, it says, Both your, and your opponent place, your hand, or shoving your hand, place the hand under the deck. And it says if one of you does that. Both players, you know, drop cards. So the way that it's worded though, is if like, you play Marnie and it's the last card in your hand, and your opponent has zero cards in their hand, you don't draw. So like we, we had that, we had this situation where I was playing with bolt and like Marnie was the last card in my hand and he had one card in his hand. So we, it still triggered the effect, but I've had that. happen to me one time on PTCGO where I had zero cards and I, Martin was my last card and I played it and nothing happened. And I was so confused and I had to like go to a group chat and I was like, what, what, what happened? do you guys know? And, but yeah, so that's a very interesting way the card works and I guess something to be aware of as we go into in real life, 20 minutes,


Do you think that's right. There's just such a strange, like conditional that has never


Was about to say, can we have somebody read the Japanese card and tell us if it was like translated incorrectly? Cause it's like such an odd corner case.


Yeah. Yeah. It's very strange.


That's weird, man. That's super weird. Yeah. I have to agree with Brit. We need somebody to weigh in on this. We're gonna need a lot more opinion.


the first time I got a prize penalty and even even to that was part of the story, is it was, it was Collinsville regionals. I think it was the first tournament where like Marty was legal. And obviously I hadn't been playing a while, so I had friends thankfully that were like don't mess. Don't mess up Marnie. It does this. and I just, I don't know. I guess I just wasn't paying close enough attention, but I got, I got a price penalty because I drew my opponent, played it on me and I just assumed, I was like, wow. Why would I draw less than you? That's that's ridiculous. We should draw the same amount of cards. And so I just assumed it had, I had to be, you know, when I was like, I was just sort of taken aback. I was like, this card is really good. Why is it that good? Why why does it just for no reason and hurt your opponent by one, but yeah, it's it's just a bizarre bizarre effects that our supporters just never have. Like, I don't know. the only other car that kind of comes to mind is underground expedition. I guess for those who don't know you look at the bottom four and take two, right? That's what underground expedition did just an older supporter card and then you'd still shuffle the bottom too, I think. But Yeah. it's just like, sort of the only thing, I don't know, there's, there've been other cars. It's like there's like a Cynthia, not Cynthia, but a Kaitlin supporter. That's like clay doll or something like that. Also do that, but again, It's just strange, especially cause you have to, shuffle your hand first, just sort of asking for a little kid, stuck, get prize penalties and such.


Exactly. All right. All right guys. Let's I know all the people tuned into the pod to listen to us talking about Canada. Let's talk about Canada.


Yeah. All right. So I, he started with Benji's list, which was just kind of like the most common industry port list. I've seen a couple of other people post lists since then. I think Nico posted a list with like an echoing horn, for example. But I think Benji's list is, was kind of a standard. So I started playing around with that. I played 10 games. My only loss is coming to shadow writers and one Dragapult Inteleon, which seemed like horrible, horrible


my God.


But there's so many match-ups that are very, very good. Like Eternatus felt pretty free. Decidua is completely free. Like, I don't know how you would ever, ever lose that matchup played single strike. That was seemed good as well. So, oh yeah. I mean, so, so in, in the match-ups where it's good, it feels really good. Shadow Rider seems probably like a unfavored, but not super unfavored matchup and probably very favorite if they don't know what they're doing. So the Shadow Rider wants to use Astro barrage, which is the basic V. Attack that puts five counters on two of your opponents Pokemon so that they want to do that. They want to probably set up two of those to attack with. And it's doubly awkward for the Cabernet player because you don't really want a Kao to prize Pokemon. It takes a lot of investment to take a knockout on a Pokemon. And so having to do that on three different Pokemon is a lot worse than having to do it on two you'd rather Just carry a two V maxes, but you can't really ignore the Shadow Rider using Astro barrage either. So you're kind of in this awkward spot. Like the, the strategy is kind of like you have to bench two me out, but leave a bench spot open so that if they put fifties on two miles, you can always bench another mouth. And you're kind of playing this game of you know, always making sure you have a Persian, but you're not always even like utilizing the Persian durability to like, attack with desperate or, or, and you're trying to also like leverage Hoopa to attack with because they're weak. And so it, those games are so awkward. They're kind of fun, but like, it's very awkward and the matchup doesn't seem that good to me if your opponent knows what they're doing. But otherwise the deck feels really sweet. It's relatively consistent. I would say, even though despite it playing 30 Pokemon I took a lot of notes on random things. But I will say, so I played those 10 games. Then I dropped one Esper to go to three Aspers and put in one scoop up net. And the scoop of net I think has a lot of value in general, but specifically in Shadow Rider matchup, you can do things like pick up of me out there at Persian that got pink for 50, you can use it to pivot something active that got stuck active, and you don't have a bird keeper or capture energy. You can search out a scoop up that perhaps to go into Hoopa. So one of the, one of the issues with Hoopa is that it's a little bit awkward to use because it requires an energy to attack. Then you only play four energies and you don't have that many switching cards in the back, just The four bird keeper. And so having this group of net allows you to go attack with, to put a little bit better. So, so I made that change and then I played against two more Shadow writers and I went one, one I beat. Another decision do I, I beat ADP Z. I was actually pretty surprised with that matchup seemed okay. They played AMU, which at first I was sketched out about, but I'm actually looking back on the game. Maybe it was better for me because I was able to, you know, ping the new a couple of times KOL, Kao, the ADP, and then Kao is Ashton. So I was able to like get there. So it actually, the mute is probably just like, good for the candidate. like like, yeah. Yeah. So, and then I beat a oh, the, the funniest game was I beat a Sandaconda V max where I prized all three of my Persians and didn't draw it, Didn't draw Persia. And after taking two prizes, so I came to Crobat without Persian on the field, didn't draw Persian, but then their deck was just so bad that I was just still able to win the game. And then finally I lost my last two games. I lost two in Urshifu Inteleon, which seems to kind of bad because they can just ping your mew down with their Inteleon. I think you're probably okay against like a non Inteleon Urshifu, but Inteleon history seems quite bad. And then I lost a rally executor cause they played stealthy hood. Good. And stealthy hood makes your Inteleon. It makes your feet on not work, which I think is actually the bigger deal. And they obviously play, play Mount Alana and calming hurricane heals damage as well. So that metric I've seen quite bad as well. The only matchup that I ordered, I didn't get to play against ice rider, but I assume that matchup is very good and I didn't get to play against LMZ and I assume that matchup is quite bad add because of like metal goggles and healing and whatnot and you can't and you always have to There. So that's like my summary of my, I played almost 20 games with it. I have like other notes about general stuff, but yeah, but you guys go talk for a little bit




or ask me


Just sort of laughing, I'm sitting here just initially you're like, I didn't think ADP was that bad. And then I just, I was just like, what, what are you talking about? I don't know how to win that match up. And it's the meal. The meta was exactly why you won that match because why, I don't know how to beat it is the, like, you don't have time to kill to knock out three, two prizes. And then of course the had tried and did knock out ADP is like, it doesn't do anything for you. So, but yeah, it was just that I've had a lot of experiences where I just take a free prize on the meal. So I guess to start with my experience, kind of the same thing as Mikey, I started with Benji's list, Made a few con some, a few changes here and there sort of based on Nico's list. And there's a not a whole lot of difference between them. It's just sort of. Some semantics. So you have like, do I play like to mew? Do I play for three Persian? Just kind of some basic questions like that. I know Mike, you had mentioned the, the, the scoop of net already. I didn't end up trying it, but so I playing, I was playing like two cards off. Nico's instead of he plays to mew and I'm playing to super rod currently instead mostly just cause I only have one mew and I didn't feel like trading for the second one, but it doesn't feel that bad to me. I'd be curious to see, like Mikey says the Inteleon Urshifu matchup pretty bad. I'm not sure how much having the second view is. But I've liked the two super odd So far, but yeah, my experience is actually, it's really good. It's a really good deck. And I don't, I don't know if we necessarily said it wasn't last week, but having some hands-on experience with it, I do generally feel that if I can Dodge the conquer, like clunky opening, like I feel pretty well positioned to win just about every game. And so just there are some hands because it's so Pokemon heavy just consistency in general, where like, you don't have a supporter or maybe you only have Bruno and Ann and you'd like, don't have a fast drizzle or something. And like, I lose those games every time. Cause you just, there's just, no, there's no correction to that. There's no Dedenne a or anything. But when you, when you open, well, like some hands are really hot. And sometimes all you really need is like the drizzle. Yeah, it's really good. And you just have, so, so, so much time against most decks that you can, you can win some games that you, it looks like you're getting destroyed the entire time. It is what I mean, it's a hard deck to play and I caught myself getting better with it and making mistakes initially. But in general, I don't think it's too difficult. You just have to be sort of thoughtful about your math and just kind of stumble like your early game can be kind of awkward sometimes, but again, because you have so much time that doesn't necessarily matter, like you'll stabilize eventually. And I dunno, like last week we sort of are, the gist of our take was like, if your Persians get knocked out and the deck isn't good. And that, that was sort of the specific point that was objected to. And I don't, I don't really have any games where that happened, so I just, people weren't knocking out my Persians for whatever reason. I'm not sure, like usually I have to out or at least have the second Meow there again, you don't need it all the time. There's a lot of turn turns where you might just like paying and pass. But I didn't feel like, I don't know, like the bench management, I think is the hardest part of the deck figuring


That's what I was going to say. I think that's like by far the hardest part of


which, which I


That was going to be my first question for you guys.


scoop of net helps too. Like just not even as like a good card, but it's just like, oh, I made a mistake. Thank God. Thank God. I played






So, so how did you guys, you guys generally speaking have, have a concept going in of like what's your bench was going to look like? I felt like in my games it was a lot of. To me out to Salvos and I, but, but I mean you're already running out a bunch space.




I didn't love having the second Savile down. But I felt like I needed it.


Yeah, I mean, I think there's lots of games where you want three softballs even. Because so one of the, one of the awkward things is you need to get an Inteleon out quickly. Like you pretty much have to, and often you want to, but you also want to keep a Sabal around in case you need to drizzle for a supporter or later in the game, maybe get marinade or whatever. So that's like, that's one of the more awkward parts is you want to power evolve to Inteleon, but you also need this sample around. So you have to like, Somewhere in the mid game, you have to like bench the third Sabal, if you can. And things get super awkward. If you have to, like, I really like the rabbit and the Linton, they're kind of cool as attackers, but they're really awkward if you attack with them and then they don't get Kao immediately because now they're taking up a whole bench spot that you want to use for something else. So like you really can't use those in a match of like Shadow Rider, for example because you always need the bench spot for like a third Meowth


Did you guys play a lot of games? Like I think everybody recognizes. I think that the idea of adding the echo horn, it's kind of as the meta evolves to be aware of how Canada works. Like, do you guys have games where people said, I'm just going to have this one star and I'm going to ride it


Oh, I meant to say that I actually have been playing that card in my list and it's good. I enjoy it. I don't like, I, don't know how necessary it is. But I mean,


I it seems like it's really necessary if they're like, I'm going to put this like EDP down and I'm going to go all the way. Ultimate


I think so. So like, I, I had one of the more interesting games I had was against the MuTu. It was MuTu. We vile, but also the version that ran silver valley too. That was one of the better, the best games I played because it was really it was difficult cause I had the Lana, Lana and Mallows too. And we're just able, they started pressuring me with the dark riser arc turned to, or is there a, Greninja rather turn to which, you know, just doesn't do very much, but since all of your Pokemon are tiny, it's enough to start taking prizes immediately against you. But I only, I only won this game, that game because of the. Because of the horn. I was able, they had discarded a a MuTu at some point. and that was just my only way in, like, I, could kill this, this one tech team, but without another one, I didn't have time to win the game and was able just to do it pretty quickly. But I didn't have another game actually. I think it was one of the last games I played. I actually just borrowed all this stuff from Mikey. So I traded them back shortly before the podcast and I played against the mirror and I beat the mirror with it because they I killed their mew. I killed their mew. I've played the mirror a couple of times so I can


Yeah, I'll buy it. What's the strategy.


first, get more samples.


Yeah. Inteleon seems like the way


yeah, again, it ended up being actually a really interesting game because even though I went first, they like attacked with Saba on their first turn and like. They were able to, they had the roxies with damage and I did it. And so that was, it ended up being really close because of that they're damaged just ended up being a little more perfect here and there. But I won because I killed him, you and then I filled their bench with an S purse, so they couldn't put the mute down and I just was able to navigate a cheap prize here and there, With Ralph that, that kept me in the game, but I, I really liked the expert cut that you mentioned the list. I've only played with four Esper and it's, I'm discarding them left and right. Every single game, especially with two super odd or a ordinary rod.


Yeah. I find, I was Like I rarely even attack, like maybe I'll tack twice with an S for like sometimes not even The only time I've played where we're an opponent opponent, like just, but one guy against me was the Sandaconda Emacs. And if I am you out, it's only doing 60 damage. So I actually just attacked with Inteleon and I was doing more damage than they were. Which was pretty funny.


Yeah, I think that's a perfect example. I really felt like playing this, it drove home how good the Inteleon VIN is. Because I Like, what you said, resonated with me a lot in that, like, there were definitely times where it was like, well, it could like early game where I it's like, I could play this Bruno, but this is not the time to play this Bruno. and you know, I, if I fish out? a Roxy or a Fitbit, if I, fish out a wheezing, I can like play this Roxy. like, it just gives you optionality to be like full train out of your day. And the result is even though it's a lot of Pokemon, I felt like the deck ran really, really consistently. And I had very few problems because yeah, if, if you say, Hey, my, my number one thing is to set up an army of Inteleon early early turns. You're going to have tons of smooth draws because there's out of this fixes all your problems.


yeah, Would, I would kinda like Dedenne air Crobat. There's been quite a few games where, you know, I just have a quick ball in order. Like, maybe I have a Sabal out, but I don't have a communication or a level ball and I just have a quick ball and it would be really nice to be able to today or Crobat into stuff. But I mean, that kind of takes away the, one of the strengths of the deck is that it forces your opponent to take six prizes. But I don't know


I've had that exact thought too, but I think you just lose those games anyways. Like some, some games are blowouts occasionally. And so you would win in the, in the event that, that you draw well, but I just, because of the half, the reason I think the deck works is just because you have so much time, you only need two attacks in theory. And I would think that not only, not only does that hinder that, But as we've already said, bench management is difficult and it would just become even more difficult because Like you need Inteleon do you need Persian a lot of the time you need MuTu. And if there's just, if there's a Dedenne a they're already, like your decks just worse, like already, like you just, you need every bench, but like I, this deck would maybe play I'm blanking sky field or whatever. The eight bench artists called, like, if you could. But my other thought was that I just, I was just sort of thinking to myself that I think this is just like a much, much better and more versatile version. Like the chandelier, a deck that's occasionally here and there. The one that also plays a million Pokemon that you just try to discard them. And I, I would imagine that deck would look really similar now where it to be built in the current format you would play Inteleon I think it played Inteleon in the past even already, but I don't know, if you would need the thing ones, because I was there just like a lot of fodder for you. And so that deck just like struggles and I've even, I've even lost to it before when, when they like magically had the boss, but that's the problem with that deck is they, it, it usually they have to, they need some gust of wind effects in addition to their, you know, theoretically very high damaged. Whereas this, like, it doesn't need the boss. You just feel you, you have Fiona for that. And then sometimes you can, when you don't need to the pheon play, but I guess that's worth mentioning. Maybe for a listener. I haven't quite solved it. Like pheon is a huge part of the strategy. Because as for can only hit the bench. So you have to get, you have to get creative with your way is to send the tag, the triple pricers to the bench. And so that's


And it's super cute because you have bench problems already and like you bench it and then you put it back in your deck.




It's adorable. I was like, this is the kind of deck building genius that we love.


Yeah. One of my notes that I had was that prizing Fiona or mew, or even rally in some cases can be really, really bad. But I think Fiona is the biggest culprit of those three.


I mean, even, even with the Latin, Latin is really important. Sometimes I I've had I've thought to myself that I've, I would consider a second one occasionally. And I think that's sort of symptomatic of the auto, the match-ups I was playing, but so many of these decks. Play Inteleon. And I just had lots of games where I had it turned to Persian and nothing better to do. So I just, you know, slap a Sabal for 60 I'm up a prize




Latin. And so it's it was, it was, it was one of my main attackers and a lot of the time, just sort of in your game plans, like to answer or to come back to Brian's question, a lot of the times I don't necessarily have one and it's just kind of straggling to that point where you're suddenly stabilized and sometimes ask, just like, what am I going to do this turn? I need to put damage on something. What do I got? And it's just like, it might be Latin, it might be a RAL. It I talked with Inteleon pretty often, which is it's hard for you to, for energy. But some games you can and look, I guess, in the mirror that was pretty relevant attacking with Inteleon quickly. I think that's a good


This deck. The thing that I think about a lot is like, this deck would love Tapu Koko, like the this 20 spread one.


Oh, yeah. Every deck with all type of cocoa man, that was like the best part ever printed like a double colorless attack, spread damage, free retreats. Honestly, it was like my favorite carnival.


Yeah. I love that card too.


There's like no deck that you're like, well, you know, you wouldn't want to put a type of cocoa in this deck. You want to put that spoon? Every deck, what are you talking?


okay. What, so one, one thing that I wrote was that like Roxy feels some games. It feels great. And some games, it feels so bad and I don't really know what LSU would run for draw. You probably don't want to run like Marnie or research. And the damage is maybe it's relevant sometimes, but often I don't think the damage is like all that relevant. And I don't know, it's such a weird card. It feels feels weak, but I don't know what else you would do,


I I thought that I th I think you can make it, get away with some research I've thought about it. And like, the most important part of your deck is just involving into Inteleon or involving into production. So like, I mean, and again, some of this I think is grounded in the fact that I played too ordinary rod. But there's not a whole lot that's really necessary. Like we said, there are some key cards that pricing them is difficult will make your games very difficult. But in terms of, I do think that just like, for the most part in most match-ups, it's just a matter of did I set up or not? And if you do, I think you win. And I just more and more supporters in general, I think we'll fix that. There aren't. Pretty, you know, anecdotal just to say like, oh, I wish I had research, but there is a fair amount of games where you, like you drizzle and you have one card in hand, two cards in hand and like, what else do you, what are you grabbing otherwise? Like you better hope you got a Pokemon get knocked out. Cause otherwise you're drawing four cards or what have you I don't know how you would fit them. I don't know, sort of how much more cuts we can make to the deck. Maybe a few. I mean, maybe we'll play for rod or something. I just like, because you've just in theory, you really only need the two Espers. And there's other ways, like there's not, I'm sure there aren't other candidate Pokemon, like there's not another color that's not in this deck currently or anything is there. It's not something I know. I can't imagine. There wouldn't be. I would think you would, for sure. Just be playing all of them, but I wasn't sure if there was like one straggler out there that would maybe be worth looking up.


What else did I have written down? So we talked a little bit about like KOL Persian and me out. Maybe being a well sort of like last week, I think I just summed it up as you just came out of the Persian. And I think that's where the simplicity of that statement was what rock the boat for th the, the candidate devote teas. But I do think it's a viable strategy. If you can do it consecutively and, or. Multiple in the same turn. Right? So that's why the Shadow Rider MetroBus so hard is because they do, they K O two at a time, or at least they put pressure on two at a single time. Same thing with Urshifu. That's why the Urshifu match-ups seems so hard because they can just wipe a bunch of versions out at once. Something like Eternatus, can't really Kao two Persians. They, they probably struggle to even like boss two turns in a row. So I guess I think I, I didn't realize, I think at the time that you played such a heavy count of Persians. So I think that's where the disconnect was, but I still think it's a good strategy. If you can do it if you can kind of like cheat a little bit and.


Yeah, I did want to say I don't want to even interpret this as me coming to Jesus all the way, this pot. I, so I, I played less games than these guys, but as I was chatting with them, as I was doing it, like I run into ADP, got bodied up, ran into a rapid striker. Urshifu prized mew. It just destroyed me like boss, boss, Persian you know, turn or boss me out, turn one, double kale, Persian turned to like, oh, this is great. There's no recovering from this. It seemed to me, I think you kind of. This is, this struck me as almost like classic tier two deck where the strategy to beat it is incredibly obvious to the person you're playing against. And in that respect, like, it kind of sucks, like blast toys. And they're like, okay, if I get out, Garbodor you know, we're going to be fine. Or if I came with a Squirtle, we're going to be fine. Like all these kinds of decks that like, like kind of waffled around, like tier one, like not quite tier one gimmicky decks. I feel like one of the defining traits is like, you know what, they're trying to do the entire time. And they need like a couple of turns to do it. And you've got time to figure out how to stop them.




I don't like being that dependent on my opponents largest, right, man, I recognize on the other side of this conversation, Mike would be like, look, I'll just Marty them. And then we'll be able to get the Persian I, win.


That does happen quite often with this act too. You're like, oh, I didn't draw a supporter in these four cards and a great,


Yeah. Like, like, eh, you know, I, I just feel like if I was playing a good player, he would be like, I have this thing and you're never going to be able to do it really darn it. You're right.


One small thing. I really got a love running, poor capture energy. That feels very good. That's really nice. The last, like, big question I had for you guys in your thoughts, and I asked mellow Kevin Clemente about this, and he said that Benji said, The Benji just hopes that he never went to the coin flip so, well, what do you guys think first or second?


So you're saying Benji wants to go second?


No, no Benji just hopes he doesn't win the coin flip, so he


So he doesn't have to choose that. No. I, I, I, I, I mean, I choose to go first every game. I think you, you, you want to go first, like, and again, that's a sign of a good deck because it doesn't necessarily matter if you go first or second. It's like, I don't know if that's, I don't think you can fully apply that logic to this deck because you do only have the four capture energy. So I mean, I guess, I guess that's also not true because the claim there would be that your turn is all your first going second. Your first turn is only good if, if, and only if you attack with Savo, but that's not true, you play enough balls and stuff that you could, you could have a full bench with, or without the Sabal attack. But Yeah. it does seem simpler to go second or to go first. Not sure if it's matchup dependent or not. Like, I'm not sure.


I was just, I was just trying to think through match-ups. I feel like you'd want to go first every time. I just can't think of a situation. I mean, if you, if you knew you were going to drop really poorly and you had a choice of like, attack with Sabal to picture a bad hand, but like, I didn't draw that much. The deck seems like that was probably as well-constructed or I was pretty


Steve. I did drop a couple of those clunky hands. Like I described earlier that did happen probably more than I would've liked. But like I've slept when that doesn't happen. I basically feel like 80% chance to win or something like that. I guess like maybe against Shadow Rider, you want to go second because you can attach to Hoopa. I don't know. That's all I've got.


they don't have that many abilities out on turn one, though. It's like only when they evolve,


yeah, You just, you catch them off guard with it, you know?


got to hold the hoop until


Yeah. That's what I was thinking too. Like I meant to ask you is like, would adding a second. Help would it help them match up enough? and I think the answer is no, because you know, Hoopa is good and conditionally when your opponent doesn't play around it. So I don't think adding a second one would really do anything like, and perhaps too, like that's just super add it back in at, as ordinary


Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I, I found like the hardest Shadow Rider games, where it's where my opponent would just get three of the basics out and manually attached to one of them and then go Astro barrage. And then if I killed the initial one, then they might evolve one of them to a V max in order to like accelerate the second Astro barrage, the, but your opponent can really limit the amount of abilities that they have on the field. So. Yeah. But yeah, I agree. I think going first in general is better just if, for nothing else, like everything in the format right now, pretty much wants to go first. So you are at least denying them that.


Yeah. I feel like when I was trying to think about the meta and who else would want to go first, I'm like, well, I mean, they're all BMX decks, so they would all rather go first.


Right, right.


So there's something to that. Right.


Yeah. Maybe like if you ended up playing against a random Pikarom or the rabbit executor or deck, maybe you choose to go second just to make them not go second, yeah,


But that's super edge case. I mean, that's, that's like, that's a tinier part of the meta than cat today. minutes talking about Canada,


I do think overall the deck is probably a little bit worse now that it's a known quantity. I think probably when Benji was first playing in it it was just better because people played worse again. But it's still pretty good and it's fun. And I underestimated it


right? I, I mean, now I know that Shadow Rider, Astro barrage is the way, I mean, Canada is never going to want another round




of I, I didn't wanna take a moment when I was going and try to look at Saturday results. I looked at the Atlas Sunday open and loop course that took third with a two to Alcremie in a Shadow Rider. And his losses were to want to turn it this and top four And Kennedy and Swiss, but but no cat made top 32. And I feel like that that's indicative of how people had already figured out the matchup. I also noted that limitless now has a cat today.




Which I guess means candidates. You know, they got a pod and a nighttime. That's pretty much everything they need.




Before we talk about some other cards, but let's talk about Pokemon United for a second, but just in case people tune out because we are turning this bot into a Pokemon unite pot. I think Mike, have you played


Surprisingly I did. Yes. I played I think five. I did the tutorials and I played definitely not more than five, but probably around five games. And I don't think I'll ever get super involved in it To me it'll mostly be a button mashing game, but it was pretty fun.


Brett, break it down for me?


Oh, I don't, I don't feel call qualified to do that. I've I've liked these games, like league of legends was sort of the big game when I was towards the end of high school, my junior and senior year. That's sort of what all my friends were about. But I've never been good at these games. I'm really sort of the only games I'm actually tend to be good at or card games. I'm kind of challenged when it comes to anything like, you know, say Fortnite, that's very mechanically demanding. But I I'm having a blast with unite. I really, reminds me, I made a tweet about this. It reminds me so much of heroes of the storm, which I guess we maybe shouldn't be talking about blizzard, but that was their, their league of legends, which was just terrible at first. But then they like. Well, they released like a 2.0 version. They were like white, you know, wipe the slate clean. We recognize, yeah. That game did suck. Let's try again. And the 2.0 version was a lot of fun and it really, really reminds me of this. But it's just, it's like league of legends, but it's just, it's faster, simple or easier. And as a result, I think that just makes it way more enjoyable. League of legends, biggest problem is that it just takes forever. Your, all your games are 45 minutes to an hour or something, whereas Pokemon United stops it 10, 10 minutes. But yeah, I don't really, I see like Raul, Luke, Marissa, I see them talking about it on Twitter and they like clearly understand that at like a meta level. Like I don't, again, I know generally what these games look like, you know, in terms of like, you, you have like a team sport or something, certain characters do certain things and you want them all sort of in these roles. And when all of these roles are executed, well, your team wins. I don't have any clue what that looks like at like the super competitive level. You know, I don't know, like, I think some Pokemon jungle, but then I don't know. Who's supposed to go top and who's supposed to go bottom. I just always find the lane with plus people in it, like and that's about it, but I like it. I play other costs the most, but yeah, I'm having a blast and glad to see a lot of other people are too, but I got a lawyer.


All right. So let me demonstrate my ignorance of all things that are not focused on TCG in league of legends. Why are some heroes good for top and some for bottom? Like it's the same, right. Okay. but so in Pokemon United, it's the same, right?


No I mean, again, I don't under, I don't, I don't want to say that I get it, but I know like, cause I mean on one side you have wrote up in one side you have dreadnoughts so like that's a little bit different, but and like where the wild Pokemon spawn that's a little bit different, but I don't know if they very easily could be treated as the same, but that's just like I was saying, I don't know what the competitive, what a rank one masters or whatever, what those games look like. But to me, from what I understand, they are, some of this has been figured out. I just don't happen to know what it is.




also thought that the bottom and the top lanes were exactly the same Brent. So you're not the only one that's used.


That means that you are also welcome. Welcome.


Yeah, I do. I do. I'm sure there's some video. Maybe I'll try and, go watch some video to understand a little bit. like I don't. I also, like, I kinda know that like, if you kill the road, Tom, then their goals get weakened. I don't know what killings, Aptos or dread do. Those are the other two,


So does that Ray zap doesn't wrote him at the same road. I'm just like, it has to walk there to the goal and like physically do. it. Zappos immediately does it to every goal. And then Dreadnought Dreadnought gives you shields, like some, a little extra gray health and experience. I believe.


why, why are you meaning.


I like elder Goss is one of the only like three support units. And I that's just my role. That's what I play in, not just in like the MOBAs, but like in something like you know, like TF to another shooter or something, I liked to play the support. That's just what I enjoy playing, playing the most. And the other two characters Mr. Mime and wiggly tough. I can't really figure out how to be an effective support with wiggly tough. And Mr. Mime different, but elder Goss is just the best, I think, support very clearly. And so that's why I play all the GOs. I like I like, so sort of a lot of times to people, people see the support role as being like the worst one like it's, it's passive. You don't really get kills. You're not doing a lot of damage. So like, where's the fun in that that's so that's like just the wrong understanding, like a good support player, not me, but you know, someone who's theoretically much better than me. They're the ones making all the plates happen. Like it does. it's one of those things like you wouldn't notice unless you were looking really, really, really closely. And not to say that, I'm, I'm good at doing that, but there's some nuances to being a good support player that I think make them an enjoyable. But like I said, like usually your players, like default reaction is they don't want to play the healer. You don't ever want to play the healer. You want to, you want to be the star. You want to be making all the goals, doing all the damage.


that's that's a week where we're big believers in the value of


And so I think that, I mean, that's part of it too. And I just happened to be like this, but like, oh, how do I, how do I, cause if I wanted to play those more popular roles, what ends up happening is you queue into a game and someone just like takes it before you like, say even if, even if you've said in chat that you were going to do it. And so because no one ever wants to play this role by me sort of deciding that I will always play it. I like, I get what I want usually. And I get to play like no one picks all the GOs cause everyone wants to play as Ganga and there, or like I'm the one playing LD, Goss.




There you go, you know what, that that's actually knowing that you're not going to have to compete for it. There there's some there's some value with that. I definitely, I think the first video that we watched was like, Ronald, that a United one-on-one video that you recorded, where he explained how to play and a Walker. And I watched that. And then Now I, you know, it's funny is I spent like two days trying to get them to play and they were like, no, no. no, no. And then yesterday Walker took up the sword and today I think that's basically all they've done all day,




but, but you're, I obviously, Hey, I have two like teenage boys. They're like, okay, who are the most agro characters? You know? Okay. It's like, it's, it's getting dark. Zoroark that's all. But all my street credit comes from like quoting Russell of course, Twitter at them, like whatever his, like, just flaming hot takes are, I'm like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But there you go.


What are, what are, what are some of the other roles there support? There's like speedster is a role, right?


I don't really understand exactly what differentiates say a speedster from like the all around hers or even like,


I think speedster is glass cannon,


yeah. So I think the speedster, I mean, I, I don't, so one of the roles in league of legends is the jungler and was what the jungler does is that there's essentially like wild Pokemon, the equivalent of wild Pokemon that aren't in the lanes themselves, they're in all those sort of side areas. And so what the jungler does is they, they kill those for their experience. and then they try to pop into the lanes intermittently and like pick up an easy kill or help You pick up a kill. And I think that that's what the speedsters do. I, I'm not, I'm not positive. I, again, I don't play or I kind of only have time to play like on the weekend. So I'm I'm really behind these players who are understanding it at a deeper level. So hopefully I'll pick that all up by next week, But, that's, I think that's What they want to do. But then, so the other roles are like again, a lot of them are damaging and so outside of support, the only other real role is. They're called defenders, but it's just like the tank clearly I'm so tanks tanks do is that they have a lot of defense. They have a lot of health they're very, very difficult to kill. And like, you're supposed to just like be annoying or what have you at the tank, like you use the fact that you can like take Slo-Bro and Snorlax both. Like, I'm pretty good at self feel so they can sort of stick around in the lane for a really long time. And so you just, even though you're not doing a ton of damage, you're just kind of impossible to take down and like your abilities interrupt and things like that. So, you know, you're a key part of the fights, but again, you're not like, The mass DPS there, but yeah, I don't know. They all seem kind of similar to me. I don't exactly know other than, I guess speedsters are fast and right. Like glass Canada, you don't have a lot of health, but I don't know exactly how they differentiate beyond that. And I don't know, like at, at the highest level, like, do you, are you explicit? Like we need one speedster to all arounders or I don't have a clue, my guess is that it's not explicit. I think most of the damaging is relatively interchangeable that like, as long as You have a support and as long as you have a tank, like, the other three probably don't matter. But again, just not sure. Okay.


sounds about right. Amazing. Undermine the United podcast guys. We're obviously leading.


No, we're talking about it, but all we're talking about is how we don't know what's going on.


exactly. Alright. Sword and shield on. Do we want to talk about Inteleon Sandaconda for two seconds and then declare victory.


Yeah, just so just briefly, there was a, there is a certain on tournament the other night, last night, two nights ago.


And this is important prep for hipsters coming in like a week and a half.


right, exactly. And yeah. And so Inteleon V max Inteleon did really, really well. I think like maybe three people played it and they all made top eight. So it was kind of just like the ice rider deck, but with Inteleon V max instead of ice rider. So that's something to look out for this to do. I ended up winning the event and it Sandaconda V max with the Cheryl's and everything got second. So I think Sandaconda is really something to be aware of. I think it beats a lot of stuff, but I think if people are aware that it's a deck and either make a game plan for it, or like tweak their deck slightly, it might not be that great. But but I don't really know. I haven't played it myself. I've only played against it.


So am I wrong? If I say, if people run like two quick shooting, Inteleon. They're going to get there against the situ I like the situation seems easier to like super hard counter. Then I feel like it was, I don't know, sometime earlier. I mean,


I think you'd need some way to attack the decidua. I don't think pinging will quite get


well, I mean, you can go like to colorless for 70, right? Just like go in with the Inteleon.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, That's true. I was thinking like, in, especially in a deck that runs Melanie, so you did the Inteleon Inteleon or ice rider Inteleon you could run one energy switch as well, and then you could like search it out and like power up the, especially the sword and shield Inteleon it's a much more powerful attacker. So you could power that up in just a Singletary and then it's probably worth one spot because you kind of want, you, you kind of want to attack or you don't always want to, but it's oh, it's really nice to have an option to attack with a single Prizer because otherwise your opponent can just co to V maxes and that's it, it at least possibly forces them to take one more prize card. So I feel like, that is something worth playing potentially anyway, and that would for sure swing the decidua match up significantly.


Like, I mean, I remember I played against like two or three Dysinger IDEXX when I was testing rapid striker Urshifu with Inteleon and I. of the quick shooting and I never had a problem. Maybe I was just playing against bad players, But




like it. seemed easy.


I mean, I think you're right. Like, I didn't tell anyone should give you, you know, 70, 30 match it up for something close to it. But like, at the same time fast enough to sit July against a weekend of star like that bench. And you know, whether you have new or not can be a factor too, but like their damage is better than yours. So like, I don't, I don't know if the just saying the 70 attack. Well, when you're the decidua matchup is, is enough. Cause like they'll outpace you, they have more energy. There at least I think it just sorta depends on who gets going, but if you're drawing well, then you have, it's not just, you know, you won't have one Inteleon, but you'll have several. But like one Italian and say, that's like, all you can have, like, isn't going to be enough generally speaking, or I think the situate still beats you if you're only able to get one. But the second one probably is the nail in the coffin.


Yeah, man. I just I I mean, as we know, I'm the worst, but I just felt like, yeah. I mean, it's hard for them to set up more than two decision. Why, if I'm just like, you know, and I was playing rabbits right here, she goes, I'm going to kill everything else. There's nothing else that's going to live, except for these two decision-wise. And once they, once they're kind of in that box there's very, very few choices. Ah, interesting. I it's amazing to me how decision, why it keeps doing well, even though I feel like more and more people are playing the Inteleon engine, I feel like if you're playing the quick shooting, it's like, you know, two colorless energies. It's like a splash of attacker, even just kill stuff with it. And obviously combo super well with, Reps, riggers group is you can power it up with a reps, right?




So, but I had a single attachment and I was suddenly attacking and they were like, well, this is horrible guys. Anything else? We should talk.


next week. A full year.


Do do do


That's crazy.


Love it. All right guys, episode 50, one of the books

