The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

LAIC Preview, Regis, Mew Control, Lugia, Zorobox, & more!

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 110

welcome to the podcast. Attendance remains 100% Brit, Pybas, Mike Fouchet, me, Brent, Halliburton. We're all on Twitter. You can find us if you just can't get enough of us. Um, Uh, it's a red letter day. We got a review. Oh, a Matthew Hall under the username. Great t t Y y D. Uh, leaves a five star review. Says, love the podcast. As a poke dad, I think it means as a poke dad. As a poke dad, I listen to a few podcasts to stay in tune with the Meta. You've made the list also. Who doesn't use Dragon Shield sleeves? Haha. I guess I must confess Matthew's not


wrong. I, um, it's so, it's so interesting. Like I've played for so long, never used them it,


it, it is absolutely crazy that you've played for that long. Like you've played for like longer than Brit. I combined probably never used Dragon Shields. I don't even know how that's possible. I mean, yeah,


I definitely use Dragon Shields like, 12 years ago for the first time, like for sure, it's been, I remember having them in, in high school when I was playing cards. Then


I used for so long, I used the, um, the sleeves that Pokegear gave out. You know, like those old sleeves,


like for some, some sweet city championship sleeves that would peel like halfway through round one. Yeah,


exactly. Like I just we used those for a while and then I started using Ultra Pros and I just never, I just never branched out.


So I'm, you used the, do you use like the cheap Ultra pros or did you use uh, whatever? What are those? Nice ultra.


I don't know. I don't even know the difference. the ones that are like five bucks a pack, whatever those are,


uh uh, Mike Fouchet connoisseur. Guys, we're gonna get, we're gonna absolutely rock his world in in Arlington. It is gonna be crazy people. I'm excited.


I, I, uh, I, I went to my one K this weekend and I saw them and I was like, I'm not gonna buy'em yet. I, I, I want this to be a special moment, Where, where I get them for the pod. From the pod.


Oh, guys, drag Dragon Shield is the best sponsor. We're gonna, we're gonna change Mike's life for the better. He's, he's gonna say, I can't believe I, I went all these years using Ultrapro sleeves when I could have been using the. Um, guys, I, I had, I had a quick story, uh, uh, for you guys about my weekend that, that hopefully will amuse you. Um, I did not get his name and he is a pod listener, so I wanna say shout out to him for listening. I appreciate, I appreciate you guys, uh, subscribing while I was sitting with you. So I took Walker to Dream Hack this past weekend. Uh, so we flew down to Atlanta. And he competed in this a hundred thousand dollars Fortnite tournament. He came in 23rd, made me some money. Uh, he's, he's the absolute best. Then they played a duos tournament after that, and he won the duos tournament. He's the best. Who's the best at Fortnite? My son's the best. Uh, um, there's a whole separate podcast about that probably. Um, but so I'm walking around. Have you guys ever been anything like dream hack? I've been to like an




before. Mm. Yeah. That's, I, I've, I've been to like packs unplugged, but I had never been to like a video game thing and it was totally cool. Um, uh, there was a gigantic magic regionals going on simultaneously. Oh, nice. Right there. So there were, there was like, uh, like 500 people playing magic with like four invites to the magic World championship on the line, and like 48 pro tour bids. I don't even know what that is, but Wow. Apparently it was a big deal. They said very good magic players are here or something. Um, and then there's like, yeah, like giant anime, cosplay, all kinds of stuff. And. Giant Fortnite tournament was a hundred thousand dollars prize. And then all this other video gaming and giant street fighter tournament, all, all this stuff. So, uh, super fun. Um, I was walking around in the hallway right outside the convention center and I see these two guys playing Pokegear and I was like, well, shit, now we gotta like go over and see what's up. And they were playing the new Mirror match and I was like, This is all great. Uh, uh, talk to me about this. And it turns out they are, they were super new to Pokegear and, uh, that, that's, the guy was like this, these are just Mew Mew, uh, league Battle decks. League battle, yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah. That, that they had sleeved up and were playing with and he was like, he was play, so he was playing with it and he was like, this is definitely my new jam. Because I had just built, and he showed me his list, a um, uh, gang garzo work deck. Okay. And, and he had never tried any other deck really prior to building this like full GE Garzo deck. And then he buys the new battle deck. It plays it and it's like, was busted.




It was very. Yeah, he'd been playing with a tier three deck and he picked up like half of a tier one deck, right? Cause like he's playing with two Gen X and like a two, two Mew line And, and the, the deck is still, he's like, this is the greatest deck I've ever played in my life. But, uh, um, I introduced myself. He subscribed to the pod on the stop spot. Shout out to him, and he was a big endorser of Level Up gaming in Atlanta. Said that was a great, uh, uh, store that he loved to, uh, frequent and, and encouraged me to take. My son, who I told him was also into Pokegear, uh, uh, over to Level Up gaming.


I feel like I've heard of Level Up gaming. I think Level Up gaming is a big. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if that's the one Connor Fit's associated with,


you know, it could be. So he told me there were, I, I, I said we were thinking about going to Toronto and Arlington. And he said, oh yeah, there's a couple of guys at Level Game that are talking about going Toronto. And he was described, I can't remember how he described someone. He said like Kirlia hair. And I was like, okay, that's not Alex Hill. But I was trying to think of other people in Atlanta. Con is a good one. I should have tried to. Pokegear a little. So, uh, um, but anyway, so that was, I, I, I had a little bit of a Pokegear adventure at Dream Hack, and in that respect, it was, uh, uh, super fun and, and appreciate, uh, getting new people onto the pod and all that good stuff.


Yeah, very nice. Good work.


Um, guys, I'm eager to hear whether or not you guys, uh, uh, played some Pokegear in the last week, did some online tournaments, all that stuff. I, I felt like every time I looked at. I feel like where the Met is gone is like all the Dexter just play four path and some stadium removals and they're like, it doesn't matter what I, what I throw in after that cuz I already got the core of the deck


I have played a bunch. I don't think I've seen quite a. Exactly what you're saying, but I think are you, are you saying that mostly cuz you saw UL's Mew deck with four paths?


Uh, well also the, the, the Lugia list that won late night last night played like punk kaaboo and four paths. Mm-hmm. like, uh, uh, obviously the Reggie list lists all play four paths. Like it's all about are you gonna play, uh, Uh, lost vacuums. You gonna play Palkia booze and then you play like four paths apparently. That's the


thing people do. Yeah, I mean, it seemed really good against other, so like specific, I haven't, I didn't really look at that Lugia list too much, but I have thought quite a bit about AULs Mew deck and I think it's really good against other uex and other Lugia and maybe some other v D. So it's like really good in those kind of like mirror esque matchups, but like much worse against like lost box and Reggies and things like that. So that's the, that's like the trade off, I think. Yep.


That, that sounds about right. Um, I mean, I reckon the other thing that baffles me is how can, how can 50% of the Meta be Lugia. Online because I apparently don't love my son that much. Like where do these people get these Lugia cards? It's really expensive. It's very expensive. Yeah. I assume neither of you have Lus. That is correct. I mean, I mean, I hon like when I, when I imagine when I try to imagine 70 people that somehow went out and got like lu. And Archeops so they could play in late night last night, I think. Who are these 70 people? God, Pokegear. It's amazing.


Yeah. It's scary. I


wonder how the LA I see will reflect the way the Mees been trending. Like if it really is sort of. The total disappearance of rcs and like Palkia, relatively speaking, I guess, like there was the RCS Inteleon that did well in the late night last night. So, um, I mean, there you go. Rcs can still compete, but generally speaking, just like isn't seeing play and I don't think Gja really can keep up with the various attackers and things like




Uh, Lugia rcs


is a partner.


Yeah. The, yeah. I feel like Archeops Arceus is in a little bit better position than Palkia because it's a little more versatile. So, like you said, the Archeops Inteleon actually seems okay to me. The other variant that seems. At least somewhat playable as like an archist, Inteleon B drill. Like that seems okay. Um, I've been messing around with that just a little bit. It doesn't seem quite good enough, but it seems okay. But Palkia, yeah, Palkia just feels so bad into Lugia. It's crazy. Like Palkia does fine against everything else in the format, I think, but like, it's not. Like it's lost box matchup was already of just like, okay. And so if you start playing less cards to deal with stuff like that and start playing cards for Lugia, then you start losing ground in your other matchups and, but it's like, it's pretty bad into Lugia, I think. Um, And at that point like just play Lugia. Like I feel like if you're playing like just play Lugia instead, I feel like that's, its matchups are just better across the board


and, and Raku has become much more popular. Mm-hmm.


Right, right. Yeah. Yeah. I guess that's the point too, is that you're, any lightning hate? Any lightning that's like used to come. Luie is just hitting Palkia as well. Right. Yeah, which is so weird. So I feel like, I feel like there is like, Lugia is by far the most popular in best deck. M is a pretty close. M is like a solid second. M is also very, very strong. And then I'd say like the next three decks are like Giratina, lost Box and Reggies. I suppose I really don't like Reggie's. So actually, so I went to the one K, or not a one K. It was like a half a, ended up being like a half a case. Yeah, it ended up being$500. Right. It was a, it was supposed to be a case tournament, but we didn't get quite enough people. So I don't know what the prize pool ended up being, but it was somewhat competitive event. Um, uh, Josh Marking showed up. Um, my friend Patrick Wall was there. There's some other decent players. Uh, I played Reggie's and I did bad like I did, I did bad. I lost to a Palkia. I lost to. Giratina, the Giratina matchup. I had never really played before and I had just assumed that it was good, but I actually think it's not good at all. Um, because, you know, Giratina doesn't have weakness, so there's, you have no way to ever one shot the Giratina. So you're just trading, um, you're just trading with the Giratina. But now the Giratina are also playing Temple of CNO for the Lugia matchup. So you get hit in that crossfire. And so like if you miss an attack one term, because maybe they hit you with the CNO and you don't have a answer, or God forbid they rocks and cno you, um, you just can't. You just, like, since you're just trading evenly, you miss an attack, you lose the game. Um, so. Yeah, that matchup does not seem good. And uh, and the deck is just like the whole, the whole idea of Reggie's is that you take a little bit of an inconsistent deck for very good matchup spread. And if you're not that good against Tina, your lost box matchup is fine. I guess. Um, you is now playing multiple, uh, cities, which is really bad. So I think like the Mew matchup is not great. And if Lugia plays Dunsparce, It's like not, it's like even, and if they play Dunsparce and Manaphy is like very unfavor, so like your matchups are not even that good. So I actually don't think Reggie is like a very good deck at all, to be honest with you. Um, and so it's kind of like Lugia Mew and the lost known decks. I feel like those are the, the big four things going into this weekend.


Um, I guess my, so will we see, uh, do you think we'll see like some quote like magical new thing or like, I guess when I think about where, if, if we think of the whole Isaiah Brander group as being like the, the guys who are bringing innovative next tournaments these days or something besides, besides Sandra, who I don't think is there, um, he's more, I, I, I. Maybe it's slanderous to say this, but like I would say I feel like maybe he might be more of an optimizer than a like innovator, and what he'll do is he'll build a Lugia deck with the best texts and win


bradner. Yeah. I think that could be, that could be accurate. And cuz like even if you think like the art, when he got second with Arceus B drill, it's not like Arceus Inteleon was a brand new deck, right? It was just, He found a slightly different way to play it that was best for that Meta game, so, right. Um, and then obviously Palkia, like they just came up with the best PO list, so Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought Lugia.


Right. Like, I, I don't know why I, uh, I don't know what they would play. That's not Lugia That is gonna do better than Lu. But I do think, I, I feel like one of the things that I've, I've very much enjoyed about the online, like Meta for the last two weeks, and I worry that might disappear after L EIC is. Like Lu are wild. People play all kinds of crazy stuff. Yeah. They're like Stoutland V. Yeah, I'll put that in there. I don't care. Like


Stalin's really good. I think like Stoutland, if Lu plays Stoutland, I don't think you ever lose to a lost zone deck. Right,


right. Like yeah, like it's a, there's a whole bunch of like interesting cards when you can. Wildly accelerate energy and almost anything, right? Mm-hmm. and, and as a result, I feel like there's a lot of room for innovation in the Meta in building LU Index, and that is all like


Yeah. It'll be really interesting to see like how if the Meta game like, like truly centralizes as much as it potentially could, like just around Lugia and Mew. or maybe even just Lugia. Um, cuz Mew is at least, there's, there's an obvious answer to m right. With drap on. Yeah. Um, but there's not an obvious answer to Lugia. So the deck, and we can talk about a little bit more in depth. The deck that I've been playing the most is the Zoroark box deck. Um, and I think it's pretty good. It's the only deck that I've played that I feel like has. A good Lugia matchup and I sacrifice. The only way that I'm able to get a good Lugia matchup is to take a literal auto loss to law. Like I cannot beat a law deck Um, but I have a solid Lugia matchup, so I don't know if that's worth it, but like, if that's, if that's what you have to do to take a favor, ba Lugia matchup, uh, I don't know if, I don't think anything else. I don't know if anything else that's out there Right.


I like, I like hearing that you're, uh, messing around with Zoroark work. You wanna talk about that for a second?


Yeah. I mean, um, I, other people have been messing around with it too, like the list that we saw. Win the very first online event. My list is honestly not super different from that list. Maybe, I don't know, six or seven cards. Still the same core attackers with the Chin, Chino and whatnot. Um, I've been, we've been trying like random stuff. There's so many stage ones. I gotta like actually go and look through all of them maybe tomorrow. Um, but there's like a lot of weird stuff out there. There's like an area dose that makes VStar cost one more. Um, There's a behem that hits 60 on the bench. So like probably one of those makes the list to help with the Lugia matchup. So like Behem would hit a Dunsparce if they don't play Manaphy down. Uh, and the area dose forces them to have five energy on a Lugia to attack, which then means you're, um, the Apple guy that does 70 for each special energy that they have on the board. Like it forces them to. Always be one shot from that. Um, so between ride shoe, between the Apple guy, between the other Apple guy that hits 50 for each ability, um, you have a pretty strong goo matchup because they can't really play around all of these cards. All at once, uh, and you're a single prize deck, you get manatee out pretty easily, so the Raku doesn't get there. The, that one's a little scary, but you have slightly higher HP than like the, the com fees and stuff that they're really running for. Um, so even if they hit you, you're running stage one, not basics. Right? Right. Um, So even if they hit you with that, you can usually still bounce back. Um, so I think the Lugia match ups pretty good. The Mew matchup is also pretty good. You have my always takes at least one knockout on a Mew VMax, and then you just gotta find three other prizes. Cause uh, they'll, they'll also the myta after you KO them. Um, so then usually use like, One of the, the, the, the fla Bulu that hits for abilities to kill a gensec and then maybe, uh, the breaks in to kill another gensec. So that match ups generally are pretty good. You have a lot of time to take your three knockouts. Um, so those two, so that's like the most appealing part of the deck is that I'm pretty sure it has favorable matchups against,


right. You, you just said you'd have a 75% win rate right outta the gate if you beat Lu and you,


right, right, right, right. So that's like super awesome. Now the downside. The next two decks, law and Giratina are like really unfavorable. Um, Giratina is like kind of winnable cuz they have a little bit harder time attacking with multiple ssi, but they still can, they play rods. Some of them play Thornton, uh, s's just really hard to deal with, um, because they can just set it up. So they take a bunch of prizes in one turn and. You can't really.


Right, right. The, the odds that you get Rox Sander right. Is they clear your border. It's like astronomical,


right? Yeah. And like we've tried, we've brainstormed a bunch of different ideas. There's a Mr. Rhyme that prevents all effects of attack to all of your Pokegear with energy on them, which is like not great in the Zoroark deck that attacks for, has like one energy on the board at any given time. Um, we tried playing like some scoop up nets. Didn't really help that much, thought about big parasol, but that doesn't really help because they play for escape rope. Um, so it's just, I don't know. I really like the deck, but it feels really bad taking auto loss to anything that runs save life, Right. But it's really fun. I really like the deck. I think I've gotten, we've gotten it to a point where it's very consistent as well. Uh, you know, you play Radiant Jirachi. You play radio and Jirachi and the Glenwood Tangle Stadium. You know, most of the time you're not, you need to play stadiums anyway to deal with Temple of cno. So it just kind of makes sense to play the Glenwood tangle cuz radio Andras just a really good card for the deck to retreat into it, maybe on turn one. Um, and it gives you an out versus stuff. Likeon, for example, where that could be a hard matchup. You know, if you hit a Radiant Tera just one time, you can even like try it like two or three times. And if you hit it one of those times, you're actually in a really good spot cuz you've taken three prizes and then you can usually deal with, one of, you can deal with one Aon, you just can't really deal with two with your normal attackers. Uh, and so the Radiant gives you an out, it's just, it's nice to have like a random X factor like that as well.


Right, right. Um, and, and what, why was, uh, RCS B drill bad?


I don't think it's bad. It's just, it, the deck is a little bit inconsistent and clunky. You still have to go first to really have a good, good time. Um, I haven't played enough though. I, I, it's something. I'm going to try out some more in the next couple days when I have some time off. Um, that's a deck where currently my list of that has four quick ball, four ultra ball, and four of the the new flip search card. Yeah. Best aroma, something like that. Liam was talking about how he really liked that card, and I think that's like a perfect deck for it, where you can just burn it whenever you want and it helps you, uh, get the turn one archist down more consistently. So I, I,


I think that's, I know with Arceus Inteleon it's a super good, uh, card with Bero, I imagine it just gets better cuz Yeah, if you, if you're flipping. If you're drawing basics, you're like, that's fine. If you have to get the rcs VStar, you're like, that is also fine. Yeah, like there's no turn one, it doesn't matter what you flip, it's always winning.


Yeah, so I, that's a deck that I'm like pretty interested in keeping, uh, trying some more because in theory, like if you can get one or two B drill out, you should be good against me and Lugia that you have the Cheren's Care loop against lost box and Reggies, uh, so, and. You don't have to deal with Palkia anymore. That was like a big thing of why I think that what chased it out of the Meta. Right, exactly. So, um, I feel like if, if you can get the right list for that, that's like a decent anti-me. It's weird to call Archeops Inteleon an anti-me ppic, but that's what it is at this point.


Yeah. No, I, I, I hadn't thought about that, but I really like it cause I, yeah, I mean, B drill left the Meta when Palkia took over because at no point, like investing in having B drills if you're gonna play against Palkia every round, but we are definitely in a Meta now where it's all special energy all the time. Right. Yeah. I mean, uh, uhm and Lugia just absolutely fold to special energy hate theoretical. Theoretically in practice, they still still do whenever you want.


I do think because of this heavy reliance on special energy, I do think there's some control deck out there. I'm not smart enough to figure it out. I've been trying to think about it, but I don't know. I hope that you said that you don't think Sanders going to a C


I I. I've not seen any mention of it. I assume. I mean, that doesn't mean


anything, but, yeah. Yeah. I hope that we see something. I wanna see. I think that is probably, uh, an area that we could see something from someone.


Right, right. But I don't know. I, I guess my working assumption for no reason at all is that it would be like, eh, some Zoroark box deck. But that's for no reason at all, who.


Like I said though, I mean like Zoroark box, I think it's great, but they gotta avoid all the lawsuit index Yeah.


Well that, that's, I guess question is, could you have a control spin that would somehow make it like more manageable? Right. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. And there's many, many stage ones out there. If you had a different pile of stage ones, maybe it would be better in some way. How about you Brit? Any uh, anything exciting besides, uh, wrestling, adventure? No, no, I've been, I've


had a lot of time with the Zoroark deck and trying to make things with her. I've just seen these, a couple like Japanese lists of like quad pics. Then it seems kind of silly that I've been thinking about for a little while. Um, but yeah, mostly just been on Zoroark Arceus myself and. Similar results to Mikey and like other stuff too, there's like random like friend stuff that's really bad for Zurk too. Like too control is really good against you. You just like can't hurt it and it will just spread and kill you very easily. Um, trying to think of what else. And I think


like Livia.


Is like good, but also like, I think accountable at the same time. Like by what? I'm not sure, like it was definitely gonna do well this weekend. Um, and I also like, I wouldn't be surprised to see like, Couple, like lost box stacks, the, you know, amazing this, amazing that, just like various ones that keep doing well. There's, there's not a lot of like, pattern to like, which ones, like, sometimes they play rayquaza, sometimes they play Zahi and sometimes they play Krekeler, sometimes they play two of them. So on. So it's not, it's not clear to me like what the, the right, the ideal like pick of these various colors. Uh, niche attackers is, but like, I, I feel like it's a strong pick if you get the better read, right. Like, on which ones are best. Seems strong to me. Um, and I think just like in general, being a mostly single price deck that has good tradeable things with, um, Cramming like into Snorlax two prizes and then into your later attackers. But yeah, I think Livia too. I feel like also there's something missing still too, like I feel like that I like is seeing more and more play better and better results, but it's still just. The colorless option, the lots of colors option, like the char are amazing mirrors and sometimes others too. Like more and more playing like, um, you know, a heat energy and a speed energy and things like that just for these other attackers. But still, I think there's the like Sharon's. Path Heavy one. That's good. Just as good. Um, but again, to that point, like those are the two defined archetypes for Lu gear right now. And I feel like there's a better one that could be tapped still, but I'll be curious to see Yeah. What the sort of like consistent players go with how they sort of figure it out.


Yeah, I think for me, the thing that I'm most looking forward to seeing from AIC is exactly what Brit's saying. Like what? What do the optimized Lugia list look like and what do the best box lists look like? Cause I agree, like both of them are kind of like all over the place and there's gotta be. I mean, I guess there doesn't have to be a correct choice, but I think this'll give us Mew a much better direction of what to expect, uh, at future tournaments.


Right, right. I like, I, I suspect, because both the decks encourage you to kind of play random cards. There's, there's like a, there's, there's always like a correct for this Meta game, but there's not necessarily Correct. So like L a C will see some play that's like the optimal list, but, but then, you know, the response to that will be four big parasol lists that are the Obed it or something. Right? Like Right, exactly. Um, any other things that we feel like, we'll, we'll see going into L eic guys. Any other stuff that bears discussion?


It'll be interesting to see what the Mew list look like as well. Cuz as we said, The Azul poor Path to the Peak Mew list is very new, and it's really quite good against other Muse and Lus. So if people are really expecting those two decks to be, I don't know, two thirds of the Meta game, That might actually be a really, really good play. Um, but then there's also, you know, the more typical fusion build and the more typical double Turbo build, which I think are also both quite strong, um, the fusion build is. A bit better against drap pons. So that's something to consider if they think people will detect drap pons. Like Luie is not gonna detect drap or I mean, I guess they could, but I doubt that they will. But lots of other decks will, like all the lawsuit decks will probably play Dion. Um, and the fusion build does like pr, I mean obviously drap on still hurts it. Having access to Mewtwo is a, is a really big difference cuz you're able to, you know, at least be able to go like 1, 3 3 on the prizes rather than just three, three Right. So, so I'm, I'm interested to see what Mew decks end up doing. Well, I feel like there could be some mixture. You know, I feel like Mew, despite it being around for so long, there's actually a couple different builds now that I feel like, uh, there could be an optimal. Mew list for this format, just like the double Turbo is a new optimal way to build Mew for the previous format.


So, so if you had to like, put out a hot take, guys, is, is this new Mew control, is it gonna prove, um, super popular? Is it not gonna do well because everyone's freaking out about it and hard countering it. Like what happens to, uh, a


Mew control? I will say it will not be super popular, but it will be successful. I


don't think it'll be popular. I sort of don't think it's the best option to play, basically for the reasons that Mikey is spelled out. Like I think the other me versions that have like, okay, match ups with like double velocity and things like that just end up being a little better and like I felt like at least some of my own testing and experience too. Even with the draper on your games are really, really close. So like, and so if you miss a beat and things like that, you just, like, sometimes Draper doesn't even get you there. So, yeah, I just like mute it. It is always very scary. I don't, I don't, I don't believe too much in the MEA right now either. Like, I sort of get why there's been this pivot or, you know, revisit of it, uh, players. But I just, I think again, this other version, the kind of one from last format is still a little bit better. It's just the meanest one to


me. I. Interesting. I feel, I feel like that is a hot take given, uh, um, how excited people seem to be about Mew control. I mean, it does really,


really beat Lugia, but like, I don't think the other one has like, I mean, all that bad of a matchup comparatively speaking, like, cause he still, that you can still play pack and stuff that do similar things with rock Sander.


I suppose it wouldn't be a complete podcast if I didn't ask you guys. If you have an opinion on people who have an opinion on the name you control,


I, I only like skimmed that debate and it was pretty funny. I, I loved UL's response. He's like, dude, it's in the name Exactly. How could it not be Control? I named it Control.


That was good. I, I thought, I thought that was a, a particularly strong tongue and cheek response when, when Jake's like, it's semantics and then it's almost like it's in the name I. Romantics. I love it. There's nothing left to say here,


I actually think it's like a pretty good name for it too, because like how else would you differentiate this type of Mew like this? The thing that this, it's not necessarily that it's a controlled deck, but it's a more controlling way of playing Mew. So like just having. That as a descriptor in the title seems it makes sense to


me. I will say in Jake's defense, the first thing I did, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, when Azul was like mute control, here's the list was I was like, where are the four hammers And there were no four hammers. And I was like,


oh ha,


is it really mute control if there's not four hammers? I don't know.


So, are you guys gonna be able to watch Brazil?


Yeah, I should be able to watch a lot of it. Hopefully. Yeah. Imagine after, after a, a dream hack last weekend and the Fort Invitational week before that. I have, I have a, a blissful, uh, free weekend this, uh, Saturday and Sunday. So it should be very strong. Nice.


I'll be able to watch Friday for sure. Saturday a little bit less. Sure. Because we're, so we're doing Thanksgiving on Saturday, so I'll be able to watch a little bit on Saturday and then I guess Sunday, I'll just be the finals, right?


Yeah. I was encouraging Liam to actually build some physical, uh, uh, Lugia decks, uh, uh, proxy up so we could like do some testing, uh, uh, this week. But I'm like, maybe like building Lugia next Thursday. Friday is not the play and we're supposed to just stall a little bit until we see what these kind of optimal Lugia builds. I don't know. Yeah, we will cross that bridge when we get there. Guys, anything else?


I don't think so. Pretty quick pod today, but the Meta game is in a, in a state, you know, we know what we know and we're gonna know a lot more after this weekend. Um, I guess worth saying that I am definitely going to Toronto. And I am definitely going to Arlington. I've booked both of those trips. And Brent you have also booked one of them, Arlington. Mm-hmm. So we have some events on the horizon. We got stuff to actually like play for


Yeah. Yeah. These L A I C results are gonna be meaningful to us because it is gonna be driving the path forward. Um, alright. Quick, quick question. Will Lu be cheaper today or Monday?


I don't know. What are they right now?


Yeah, I don't know why, how


expensive they're physically.


Let's see, Lugia,


VStar, I bought, I bought two new battle decks and I now have a play set of M for the first time ever. It's incredible.


I actually, also, so, uh, from that same store that I had the tournament this weekend from the last one that I played in, I top forward and I took store credit and didn't use any. and when I went back this time, they had the new Melmetal decks in, and so I think I had like$55 worth of store credit covered almost the whole thing. Now I also have Muse busted. All right. How much are Lu Lu stars are like between 20 and 25. Right now it looks like about 20, closer to 20.


I mean, that's so far below shaman prices. Maybe that's the floor.


Yeah, and like the TCG player has a nice little like chart. Um, so they've been going, they've been on a pretty steep decline. Like only 10 days ago they were averaging 25. Now they're averaging 20. So I don't think they'll get that much cheaper that maybe they'll go to. 18. Yeah.


Yeah. They, I mean, they're not gonna, they're not gonna go to 10, like Yeah. It's more likely that they go to 60 than they go to 10 on Monday. Right, right,


right, right, right, right. So I feel like, I feel like now's probably a pretty good time to buy'em.


Boy guys, the people who stuck around for the ending of the pod got the best part. Good time to buy. Lou is apparently that, that this is like actual need to no information. I gotta go talk to my son right now, All right guys. John Pauls are our outro, another great pod. We'll be back next week with AIC Results.



So here we gotta listen straight to I got something to say and I'm just in. Two, three have nick and a on the chest on the, you wear your, and then stop the, the ground on razor roof up. You jumping the head. Get, it'll out the raise. Papa. I've got to, I've got to, I've got teach how to jump. Ive got to teach how to jump. The, the, the.