The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Worlds Recap: Mike's Day 2 run & more, Pittsburgh strats, the current meta & more!

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 145

All right. It's the Trashalanche podcast back with a regular episode after our emergency pod last week. It's the only podcast about the Pokegear trading card game. Mike Fouchet is here. Caden Hides here. Liam Halliburton's here. Brent Halliburton's here. We're at 133% and all kinds of good stuff going on. Once again, I think we have two new reviews to read, but I'm gonna hold off until Brit can join the team because I feel like a review reading is just not a review reading without Britt's hot take on it. Um, I think our agenda for uh, uh, this pod is we gotta talk about worlds'cause we haven't talked about worlds. Um, we're gonna talk a little about Pittsburgh. There was something else that I wanted to talk about. Oh, Pittsburgh's biggest tournament in, uh, you know, the history. Second biggest tournament in North American history. We should talk about that. It's gonna be a wild ride guys. Um, why don't we kick it off with some world's talk. Uh, Kay and Liam, do you guys want to talk about day one and then we'll segue to Mike giving us the blow by Blowns of surviving day two.


Um, sure. I mean, so I, uh, so I played Mew for worlds, um, same 60 as Cameron Shenoy, who made top 32, um, uh, of worlds and I. I was very happy with the list. I was not running box of disaster. I cut the or choreo and I cut the ice cube. Um, largely just'cause I wasn't, I wanted to focus on beating other matchups more than Gardy. Um, in exchange for those, the biggest thing that I added differently than most lists was I had two path and two judge, which felt phenomenal. Um, I think having the easier access to judge and being able to play down some, both an early path, um, like an additional early path against Lugia and being easier to find it in the luie matchup and also being able to path two turns in a row against gardy, um, is massive. So I I was honestly very, very happy with my list and the day did not go quite how I wanted. Um, I. I misplayed my first round against a Guardi, where in game three we had like seven minutes on the clock and I was playing fast'cause I wanted to get through the game and I made a misplay that ended up costing me the game. So that was, that was unfortunate. And then I had some really unlocked bad luck against an Arceus Ryon, um, where I was just, he, he managed to, you know, hit the exact pieces he needs off of an IO and, and take the game. So, not quite, not quite the day when I wanted, but, and I was playing not a super interesting deck, but Liam on the other hand, had a bit, I assume, has a bit more to say.


Um, Yeah, I guess I'll, I'll talk about my day one. I played Shadow Rider, um, deck wasn't very good, but I don't think there was much else better that I, like, I, I felt like was super strong. Um, and like I would destroy everything with like, everything felt like pretty even into each other. I didn't have like a good reason to pick any deck, so I just went with something weird, um, that like, seemed like it might've been good. Um, because I only played it for a few hours with Brayden Elford before we decided to send it because of a p m deck submission. Um, which is insane. But yeah, so I, I put Shadow Rider, um, I started off pretty strong. I started off four one, I hit four CFI X and four CFI X and an Arceus Giratina, um, which are all like pretty favorite matchups. Um, and yeah, I started off four one and then I hit a Mew player. Um, I basically told everybody about this m player at this point because I don't think I'll ever forget this game. Uh, player's name was Yuda Morrie. They, they were just insane. They, they did everything right. Um, like I I, I've never seen somebody play Fusion Mew so well, like, um, I think like they they kind of fell behind on like, like turn one even. Like they, they just had like kind of a slow start and they just immediately started playing for like, the really, really long game. Um, where like, as soon as I got down to one prize, they went io vacuum, vacuum, hit both the Seal Stones path and, I, yeah, like, I mean, it was, it was just really well played. They, they can serve resources so well. Um, and that was, that was game one, and I ended up, I ended up sacking them. I hit the boss off the Iono. Um, but like, yeah, I mean, I, I don't really get this feeling often, but like after that game one, I was like, Dude, I'm not winning games Two and three. This guy's insane. Um, and then, yeah, I lost games. Two and three Yeah, they just played it really, really well. Um, and then I, I had some poor draws against the lost Giratina, um, in around seven. So I went out at four three.


Alright, Mike.


All right. So I played Lost and Giratina. I think I talked leading up to Worlds. Our, our last episode before Worlds was a couple weeks before, but I think I had said that Jim Pow and Lost Team were kind of the two decks that I was mostly interested in, which was pretty true, um, until like going into Worlds in the last week. Um, so I played Lost Giratina, um, Pablo ended up playing the same list as me. Day two. Ross played a couple cards off. Um, I. And my list was a little bit interesting because I didn't play water energies and I played four paths to the Peak. Um, I thought the Guardian matchup was a lot better with four paths. I think it's a little sketchy otherwise. Um, and I still only went three and two against Guardi throughout the, both days of the event. So I still think the match ups a little, uh, the waters help I guess. But I think Four Path is, is a little bit more consistent of a strategy. Like if they get Manaphy out, waters don't really help basically ever. Um, and the deck was just a little bit more straightforward and easy to play and at World's Day one, you need to finish games, you need to finish your matches. Tying sucks. So I wanted to make sure I didn't have to take like too much time on my flower selecting and Culvers because like if you play three Grass energy, if you have to loss on one in the early game without really having too much information about your deck, like you can just lose the game kinda. Right away. Um, so that was kind of some of the, the thoughts going into the event. Um, now we kind of see Los Giratina everywhere, so, um, and going into worlds, we knew it was gonna be more popular, but I think afterwards it's, you know, exploded even, even more so. Um, so I feel like it was a pretty good play, especially for day one. Day two I think was a bit less good, but I didn't really feel confident to switching to anything. Um, so I'll, I'll, I'll try to go briefly through my games and just highlight some interesting things. So the first round on day one, I played against Ryan Antonucci with Gardevoir. We are the only two players I believe from the Philly area and we played each other round one, which was funny. Um, I think Antonucci like didn't draw super well, game one and game two, I think he made a mistake. We talked about it after the game a little bit, um, which allowed me to win despite him having quite a good start. Um, two Rounds two and three were both very similar. I it was against QP p. Um, both games lists were super similar, just bi, no Arceus. Um, I think that matchup is kind of close, but if the qp pow player hasn't played very much for a Giratina, it's often a blowout because they need to be very careful about all of their resources throughout the whole game. Like a Giratina takes five energy to, uh, to, to KO. So it's really easy for them to just kind of run out of stuff. Um, and that's kind of what happened, at least one game in each of the sets against gpo. Um, so that's rounds two and three. I'm at 3.0 feeling really good. Uh, and then I get put on stream against Alex Krekeler with, uh, Urshifu and Inteleon. I think that matchup is obviously better than Lost Box versus Ur and Inteleon, but it's still a hard matchup for Giratina. Um, The second game I drew pretty poorly and really had no chance. The first game, uh, I made, maybe made a mistake or two, I watched back the stream game. It's like I made two plays that were a little questionable but made sense in the moment. One of them's easy to explain. The other one's a little bit harder, so I'll just explain one of them. Uh, on the first turn of the game, going first, I play Path to the Peak down. Um, and with four paths, that's often like a pretty good strategy for Giratina in general. Um, just to be aggressive with the paths, but you can make the argument that it's better to hold it because Intel often needs to play the first tower of waters anyway. Um, so even though you win the stadium more with four path versus three towers, um, if you make them play the tower first just to retreat, then you have an extra out to your path. And if you stick path and they're out of Tower of Waters and they haven't won the game yet, you probably just won the game. Um, On the other hand, if you path them turn one and they need a lumin on, sometimes you just win the game. Um, and it forces the tower. Waters out a little bit earlier. Maybe they prized one. I dunno. So that's kind the kind of stuff that was going through my head. You can make an argument. It was a mistake. I'm still not a hundred percent sure. Um, I don't know. Let me pause here. Uh, Liam, Caden, do you guys have any thoughts on that play? Playing the path? Turn one or not?


I have Pat turn one for sure.




you hit the pat, turn two and then like they're down a stadium bump and like you said, if they prize one, they're just never, never happening.


Uh, yeah, I think I'm usually just passing turn one there. I mean, um, I agree. I agree. Like maybe there's a world where it's wrong, but I think especially in the heat of a, in the like moment of a game, like you're not running that calculation


No, no. Like what, when does holding the path ever do anything? Unless their hand is literally like tower research, right? Like


yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yeah, I mean, I think the, I think the question is just how much are you getting out of that early path? Um, and this is like if,'cause if you're not really gonna get anything out of the early path, um, and they're just gonna play down the tower of waters anyways, like it's just worth holding.


well, no, like the, the idea is even if, even if there's no ability that they can use turn one forcing the tower down on turn one as opposed to them just holding it for turn two is comparatively better.'cause then you just bump it and they're


Well, but the, but the argument Mike is, Mike was making, and that I think is often true with rsi. I mean, it depends on their board. Depends on what things are


They just have like infinite.


Yeah. They have to, they have, well, they have to put the tower down anyways.


right. You're right, right. That that's kind of what


Not on turn one.


right. Not on term one, but I think the arguments still make sense. Like on term two, they, they can.


Oh, so you just hold the path for like three turns or something?


Yeah. Yeah. But maybe, maybe you're right. Maybe that's sketchy. Like maybe it just gets Iona away. Like, and, and I think the, the main benefit is like, probably like


Yeah. Yeah.


outta six games. You just win


I mean, my, my reaction to that was like, you, you played the list. You played because you wanted it to be streamlined, easy decisions, like not, not get caught up too much in these complexities, like you're saying, Hey dude, you gotta show me. You can win. right?


Yeah. Right, right. So that's kind what I


It'd be, yeah. You're, you're on stream. You already know it's gonna be like hard to make decisions. You're like, you know, it'd be really nice if he bricked right now,


Yeah. So, so that's round four. I'm three in one, still feeling good. Then round five I get player against Rowan Stana. So another phenomenal player. He's playing Gardevoir. Unfortunately for Rowan, he is only playing three stadiums and no worker. So my four Path to the Peak really did a number on him. It, I like, I think he prized a stadium one game. Like there was not one turn where a path didn't stick for at least one turn. throughout two games. So yeah, that was kind of a for him. Uh, then I played against another guardian, uh, round, what is this one to 3, 4, 5, round six. It's actually, um, I'm forgetting his name. Um, the, the dude that made top eight. Uh, Victor. Yeah, Victor. He was playing Guardi war obviously in day two, but he was also playing the same list. Day one. Um, him round six. I won the first game in a really nice game. And then, Loss games two n three, both games, two N three, he had turned to Guardia X KO. Um, so that matchup is, I feel like the more I play the teen averse guardian matchup, it's almost entirely down to if they get turned to Guardia X Klia. And if they do, you almost always lose. And if they don't, you almost always win. Um, so he got that two outta three games. So he won, um, round. So now I'm four two. I gotta win the last two, uh, round seven. I play against the Giratina mirror against a dude from Portugal. Unfortunately, for him, he played like two Culvers over two games and I played a lot more ris. So, uh, I won that one. then the very last round, I play against a lost box with a really interesting list. It ran, um, Boltund Forest and Skys Seal. Stone. He had a Stormy v in his deck. Um, he had some other interesting tech cars that get a Roxanne of his own. Um, so it was really close. I actually game one, I would've a hundred percent lost the game if his last Mirage Gate was not his last prize So I got pretty lucky there. Um, like he, and he played a Han. Um, so like I'm about to scoop up my cards. He Hans searches through his deck and doesn't immediately grab Mirage Gate. So I'm like, oh, Oh. And so I let him play his turnout and then I win like the next turn. And then like he


Oh, that's, that's a bummer for him.


Yeah, and then I lost the game. I lost game two and then game three, uh, he started his, one of his V Pokegear, which was just enough to allow me to, to win the game. Uh, but he was a really good dude, um, a about it all. Um, he got, he definitely got a little, he definitely got unlucky throughout the set, though b between both of those things, starting the V in game three and prize in Mirage game first game. So I made it to day two, uh, six and two. is the fourth time that I've done that out of five


Mike Mike's ability to, uh, show up on other podcasts to talk about how easy it is to make Day twos, the streak continues unbroken.


And unfortunately the streak also continued of making day two and doing poorly on day two. So, I, uh, I'll, I'll be a little bit briefer on these'cause they're a little bit less exciting. Um, round one, I played against the Palkia deck and I played two chorus in two games, so I lost that pretty quickly. Uh, round two I played against an Archus, Umbrian Drap Beyond VStar, and I was going around asking people after the game if they knew what Drap Beyond VStar did. And'cause I knew what the ability did, but I did not know what the attack did. So when my opponent Trinity knew no, I to, uh, his drap on v on the bench, I was like, I don't know what's coming, man. turns out that Drap on VStar does 250 and with a Choice belt it does 280. So it's pretty good against Giratina. VStar. Uh, and he played four V guards in his deck, so,




Very hard. Two, one shot his two 80 HB guys. So I think if I knew what D Drap on VStar did, I might've been able to win the set. But I took one game, I lost, I lost game three. I feel like I got pretty unlucky to lose game three still, but like if I find a boss on the last turn, I just win the game. So I dunno, whatever. so I'm O two round three. I get paired against Rahul with the, the, the O two tables at World State two are so funny. It was like me versus Rahul next to me was like, grant? Yeah, like Grant Manley versus William.


believe it, dude.


Then yeah, then it was like Henry Brand and Caleb or Stefan or something like that. Or Fabian, like, I don't know. It was just so funny. Um, So I play Rahul and very similar to my games against Victor the day before with Gardy. I win game one and then games two and three. Uh, Rahul gets the turn to guard, EX, Celia. So, um, yep, so start oh three. And then at that point I'm like, do I play? Eh, I might as well play. I'm here. Um, then I win to, uh, against an Archus. And then all Lugia I lost to a mirror. beat a Guardi and I beat a loss box. So I ended up four four, um, which is fine. I'm excited to make day two again, unfortunate to not do as good. Day two, I think I, I, in hindsight, I probably should have switched decks for day two, maybe played ow. Um, I feel like that would've been a slightly better play than Los San Guino. But it was a good tournament and, and, uh, I definitely had a great time after Japan or after


So, so, uh, how many times, uh, of the four times that you turned day one and did day two, I guess the other three, do you look back and think you should have switched decks?


One of the times I did switch decks and I regretted it That was the first year actually, um, that they had the day one, day two system. I switched decks and I regretted it. So then I kind of told myself, you gotta have a really, really, really good reason to switch. Um, the second time I don't regret not switching at all, was when I played the, the Vespa coin deck that Ross got top four with the third time it was the guard of war GX year when guard of war just came out. Um, and I don't regret not switching then either,'cause Pablo got top eight, the same 60. So like those two years I played the same 60 as someone that got top eight or better. Um, so no regrets there for sure. And then year, a little bit of regrets. But I mean, pram, pram made top eight, wasn't there another. Is there another Giratina? The made top eight? Yeah. I mean there was two Giratina, the made top


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, I feel like the, the, the way you would feel, I mean, and you could tell me about the first year, like the way you feel if you switch and do bad when you're like, I must be an idiot.'cause I just did good yesterday with this deck and I didn't play it today. Am I the dumbest person on earth I must be right.


If I, if I made that two, I would've switched, bro. could've switched, bro. Yeah, like,


That, I mean that, that, I think the challenge is that, you know, the, the outcome was already baked in. Right,


right. I.


I mean, when people were asking me at four, one if I was gonna switch, I was like, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


I talked to Bradner, uh, a lot after day one. Um,'cause he also played lost on Giratina. Um, and he kinda like found me after I finished and we chatted for like, over, over an hour, maybe two hours. Um, and then he ended up switching to, uh, to Turbo, lost Um, and he did it a little bit better, but not much


so I, I thought we should talk about a couple of other things about worlds before we move on. Yep.


Wait, before, before we move on, really quick, I just wanna say like, like it hurts so much to say that you lost around that world because you didn't know about the cards and standard format. I, I cannot believe that.


yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. like, so like game one here. What I would've done differently too, I, I know exactly what I would've done differently. I set up, um, my board was triple, I think it was triple comfy. Triple Giratina'cause I prized Cramorant. So like I would've gone into Cramorant and just hit the archus. But I set up triple Giratina. Triple comfy. And then he, like, he had a V guard on his active archus and then he trinity novas to hits, hits a Giratina, does not KO comfy.'cause I have Bs. That's important. Um, and he puts the energies on drap beyond the next turn. He v guards therape beyond. And if I had not bench locked myself, I would've had 10 in the loss zone to stabilize. And then I could've stabilized the drap beyond. And maybe I win that game then. But since I bench locked myself, like I really had no way to win that game then because he had 180 1 of my Giratina. I have to like star requiem the Archies to kill it. And then,


Yeah, the draping sweeps you.


yeah. And then the drape beyond basically sweeps me. Yeah. Yeah.


right. But the draping, it reduces the damage after the first hit. Right. So you can nullify it, but may maybe you're too far behind at


Yeah. Yeah, exactly.




So, yeah, unfortunate


Yeah, uh, uh, I, I hear that it's, that's, it's, it's tough. Uh, tough, tough, tough. Alright. But guys, so here's the thing I wanna do. Now, I recognize there may be listeners, God forbid, that did not have the chance to fly across, uh, an ocean or fly from Europe or wherever. I recognize we have many, uh, listeners in Australia. We have many, uh, listeners in, uh, all kinds of Asian countries, but you may not have gone to Japan to go to the World Championship in Yokohama. And I felt like there were a couple of things that we should talk about to give them a flavor of what that was like. Uh, I, anything you guys would wanna say about the registration process? Oh,


Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I can, I can take this guy. Um, I don't, I don't know how much of the line you all waited in, but I think I waited in the maximum amount of line possible. Um, I arrived about an hour after registration opened. Um, so just enough time for the line to fully form,


Enough time for the people who thought they were getting there after people had gone through the line to, to arrive and get in line and realized that they were in for,


Yeah, suckers


for like a four hour wait.


Who, so yeah, I think I arrived in line at like five, or no, yeah, like five or six. I think it was like six or something. And I don't think I got out of the line and registered until like nine, um, or something, something insane. I don't remember quite the hours. But to, to, so, so you had the main entrance hall to give a sense of how long this line was. You had the main entrance hall and basically the line went all the way through that, then doubled back outside


And it's a hundred degrees outside people. It's a hundred degrees outside.


yeah. And then they had this under like an overhang. They had this little zigzag, um, like weaving and then it clearly they thought that was like kind of where the line was gonna end. Oh, we've got plenty of space set aside, but it went probably another like three or like three city blocks, length of people worth, like, it was just a monster line. Um, and so that was not an enjoyable experience. Um, it was very, very hot out as well, although I will say by the time we started to get to the end of the line, like about, you know, two thirds of the way through, it was starting to cool down as the sunset. Um, so, so it got easier after that, but it was, the registration process was a mess. However, um, I don't know. I, I, I think they just weren't anticipating the amount of people. The biggest thing that I, the biggest complaint that I honestly have is just that, um, The competitors and spectators weren't separated. They all were in the same line until the very end. I felt like that is something they Pokegear one should have done and but


Yeah. And, and it's important that people understand for reasons that cannot be explained, I think by anyone in any way that makes any sense. They, they decided to say, your list has to be submitted by 8:00 PM that night, and once you got in line, if you went at four o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock, seven o'clock, you were not able to get outta that line until like after nine o'clock at night. And it was not obvious to the people that went at four o'clock or five o'clock that.Like you had to submit your list while you were standing in that line and that it, so if you had not already submitted your list, you were just basically completely over a barrel. So like, I mean, obviously you would imagine if you're gonna say there's an eight o'clock deadline, like you're, you're telling the players like, you have a lot of pressure until eight o'clock and then you can chill. But like, it was actually, you have a lot of pressure until three o'clock, but we're not really explaining that to you right now. Good luck. And, and the result was, I, I think a real injustice to the players, uh, uh, for the absolute chaos. So, so then the next thing I thought we should talk about for two seconds is Pokegear Center and how that went


I mean, I think Pokegear, so, so, okay. I have to little note. The Pokegear Center experience for the competitors was dramatically different than the Pokegear Center experience for the spectators. From what I can tell. Um, for spectators, the Pokegear Center was very crowded, massive lines. Even when you were given like your designated time slot, there were multiple times when there were just too many people in the Pokegear Center, so they just weren't letting anyone in. Even if you had that, you were signed up for that time slot. They were just closed. Um, and so that was, that was not good for competitors. I mean, people like me who registered and got out pretty late, the Pokegear Center had already closed during the like designated competitor block. However, they, their fix for this, which is honestly fantastic for, for competitors, was you're allowed to enter once, but at any time you want, and you got to pretty much just skip all the lines and walk straight into the Pokegear Center. So as a competitor, that was great. I was able to just on like Saturday, Sunday, Saturday morning, I just walked into the Pokegear Center. Waltz passed the line and was able to get there, like first thing. So


Um, I, I have mixed feelings about it and, you know, there's, I, I recognize I'm, I'm not gonna say I'm not a part of the problem. It, the, the dimension which I am a party is certainly like much smaller than so many other people. But the scalping was a little insane at the Pokegear Center. Uh, I mean, there were, there were people who were like standing in a corner with 20 skateboards while their friends who somehow had competitor badges were cycling through, because what they handed out these wristbands and the idea was Competitors get a free entry once and then they take the wristbands. But then what they ended up realizing was there were tons and tons of times, and Caden I think experienced this where you went in and they were sold out of basically everything and then they would restock overnight. And you, if you went back in the morning, you like got the good stuff, but if you went at night, you could not get the stuff. So they realized that competitors would stop by and then they would want to come back at a later time after they had restocked. So they were like, okay, fine if if you have a competitor badge, you can just come and go as you please. And the result was like, I don't exactly understand how Scalpers ran their process, but it was a show and uh uh, I don't know what Pokemon's exactly supposed to do about that, but that was bad.


Yeah. The only thing I will say that was a little, so I agree everything with the, the check-in and whatnot that Caden said when I got up to finally check in, they actually didn't have any more


that's right. They also ran outta wristbands.


like worlds. Yeah, they ran out of those. I think they restocked them sometime after I checked in.'cause Caden was clearly after me online, I think. Um, but so they ended up giving me and a bunch of people around me spectator wristbands, which were Did let you skip the whole line, but they were for a specific time and day, so it ended up working out that I got one on Sunday, so it wasn't a big deal, but that was also a little annoying. And apparently they ran out of like competitor bags or kits or, or whatnot. Um, like Lee uh, posted on Twitter that he


no, that, so that was remedied. Apparently they had not made enough, but they had all the supplies to make more. But like, you are like, how does, how does that even happen? Right? Like, Yeah, you, uh, uh, similarly, uh, so they were out of, they were out of bags and they had to make more, they were out, actually out out of t-shirts in medium and large. And like, like, yeah, I mean, I, I understand maybe, I don't know what exactly what the size of competitors are. I know we've, we've all gone to Reg Regionals where they've asked that information to try to manage that process a little better. Or, or was it ICS or something? But like, uh, I mean, that really would suck to be a competitor and not be able to get a t-shirt in the size that you would like the t-shirt to be in, man, close. It's great when they fit. I've heard nothing but good things about it. Um, I had a couple more notes that I wanted to just, uh, uh, Bulu through really quickly. Spectator seating was not great. Uh, the, the seating for parents of juniors, um, uh, it was like 20 chairs. And it made no sense at all to me. Uh, I did not. So they had, they had tons of local marketing events, which was awesome, and I was really, really excited about it. I think it made me a little sad that there was not any sort of preferential treatment for competitors. Uh, I just thought there should have been some sort of, uh, I mean, competitors came all the way from across the galaxy to attend this Pokegear thing, and Pokegear Marketing is doing a thing right there, and they can't get in because like, locals got all the tickets. Yeah. It's like, it's like, okay, I'm talking about like, like the musical thing and the, like the firework shows. And the Pikachu dances and like,


Mm-hmm. Well, to be fair, those are, those were also open for anybody that didn't have a badge. Um, so. I know what you're saying, but I also don't hate trying to allow people that didn't even get a spectator badge. Something to do


Right. But it's a shame that I came all this way to go to the Pokegear World Championship, and I can't get into like five things, you know?


Yeah. Maybe, maybe, maybe the compromise would've been like, give competitors one of the things






Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like there's, there's something they could have done there, and I feel like it's a disconnect between marketing and organized play that they don't think about how, like, well, I mean, we're all, they're in Yokohama


Uh, another layer of this though is that it's not like, it's not organized play in marketing. It's organized play of T P C I and marketing and events of T P C. Right. So, and got a little bit of sense that. There was not necessarily the best communication between T P C I and T P C, uh,


I, I can only assume that Pokegear, Japan's marketing arm thinks that T P C I is a bunch of idiots because like, I felt like they hit it out of the park.




Uh, uh, I mean, Yokohama was, was Pokegear Central for like a week. And in that respect, it was absolutely amazing and super, super cool to walk around a city that had just been transformed. Every mall, like every place you went, there was Pokegear stuff. And uh, uh, and like by, by like the Pokegear Corporation, like there were Pokegear centers in every mall, like all kinds of crazy stuff. And in that respect, it was really, really cool. Um, uh, you know, one of the things that, that Cadence's dad pointed out to me is we were watching the opening. Uh, scene was like, they had, you know, these like, um, uh, super high value production like video clips of like introductions that are like Pokegear battling and stuff, and mean those kinds of things cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce. And yet side events was completely disorganized and absolute chaos. There was no Yokohama open, like, I don't know, I mean, they spent literally like million, uh, you know, millions of dollars on like video clips for showing in the like 30 minutes before round one. But like, you know, the blocking and tackling of organized play, it was a little bit meh. I was like, man, it's a shame we could not straighten that stuff out.


Yeah, and I wonder like what that says about Pokegear, Japan's priorities, because I feel like maybe potentially even more so than over here, organized play takes a, you know, a backseat to




more casual stuff,


Maybe, maybe I, no, I guess I, I hoped that like, uh, uh, you know, corporate leadership would see it and be like, okay, we gotta like step up, organize, play a little bit and make it awesome. But like, I mean, I guess they come to the world championship every year, so like, they probably know, although I'm sure like they probably looked at London and it was like, it was awesome. But, but here, uh, it seemed like it was way crazier. Way crazier. Um, alright, that's, that's all my world's notes. Do you guys got anything else to add in terms of talking about worlds?


Um, I don't think I, I


All right, sweet. So has anybody gone to challenges and cups, uh, in the last couple of weeks? Uh, is is anybody like on the grind for, for their next year already?


I. know Cadence's got some stuff just briefly. I have not, but I am running a challenge on


Ah, man, I'm out of town. All right. Caden, talk to us.


Yeah, so I went to, um, two cups this past weekend, both Saturday and Sunday. I played different at both. Um, my, so, so the first one I decided to play Chim pow largely due to the, um, talk around lost Giratina and the rise of loss box. And I just felt like, you know, with what seemed to me like Mew and Lugia being on a pretty heavy downturn, um, I wanted to, wanted to go with Shemp Pow. And also it had a pretty good zad matchup. So, and I wasn't sure quite how much ARD there would be, so I decided to go chimp out. Um, I just ran, um, Kieran's list from top, uh, from Top 32 at Worlds, which I honestly think is just the optimal Chimp out list. Even post Subsid flames. I think running Palkia in MAU is cope and you need Birol down and I don't, I don't think it's worth running Palkia. Um, sure it feels completely broken and phenomenal in the few games where you get it out without just losing to io. Um, but I think those are too few to make it worth running. So I, I decided to go tutu bit and the deck felt great. There was surprisingly few, um, there were surprisingly few ards, um, I, which I'll get to get to in a sec, but there were not very many ards, which was very surprising to me. I ended up hitting mostly just lost Giratina. Um, I played against a Mariah on and a few other decks, but I ended up making top eight. And, um, playing against a lost Giratina in top eight. Beating, beating it, and then playing against another Lost Giratina in top, um, in top four and losing to that guy. So got top four with empa. It felt very good, very strong. Um, another reason I ChuChu chose Chim Pal for this cup was,'cause it's a deck that I am considering for Pittsburgh. Um, due to, I don't know, I think it has pretty favorable matchups against a lot of the meta, but I wasn't quite sure if it felt was quite consistent enough. So I decided to play it, to get a sense and it felt quite consistent. Um, there were, there was one game I lost due to just hard mis playing. One last in a match in Swiss I lost due to just hard miss playing. I didn't hold my pokey stop turn one, um, for a path bump. Uh, if I, had I done that, I think alm I would've almost assuredly won, but I didn't. So I lost that game just to pass. And also there might've been my second game in cut top four against Lost Giratina. There might've been a way I could've won that had I played a little better, but I kind of just agro down Tina's, which I don't think was quite right in that situation. Um, but I, I'm not quite sure. So after that, um, after seeing the distinct lack of Czar, I was like, screw it. Uh, I'm playing Mew. I'm running back the same 60 from Worlds, um, for the next cup. Especially since, um, nor, nor, I don't know how true this is in other places. I can't speak to other places, but at least in NorCal, people love meta gaming on what people played the day before. Um, it's


that's a, that's definitely a thing. That's definitely how people do it.


the. There were several people who added tomb to their, to their decks when they saw me walk through the doors at the fir at the Saturday Cup. Um, and they told me that because I had a, because I had played, uh, Mew for Worlds. And so I was like, okay, people are probably gonna cut their tomb. People are gonna probably be ready for Chimp Pound now. And so I decided to play mute and that ended up being very much the right call for the next day. Um, the next day was pretty much entirely lost. Giratina. There were also some sess people had swapped to Urshifu. Um, and, but most of the field was just, just a bunch, a bunch of lost Giratina. I think there were two, only two czar, both of which who lost their first round. So I was, uh, in very good shape. I ended up hitting Out of my six rounds, one of them was an id and four of them were against lost Giratina. Um, I beat three of them. I lost one of my lost Giratina matches again to a dumb misplay. Um, but I, I don't know it, I walked away from that tournament, um, feeling very, very confident about the lost Giratina matchup from you. And I don't know whether they were misplay it or whether the matchup iss actually just very good from you, but it, it certainly felt fantastic. So I made top eight and this cup, so some of you might've seen some Twitter posts about this Sunday Cup. Um,


Yeah, I wanna hear about


yeah, I can, I can talk a bit about it. So, um, first thing, the, the tournament ran very smoothly. They were really on top of stuff. Things were running, um, like pacing really well. Not much gap between rounds. Everything was. Honestly, fantastic. It was shaping up to be one of the smoothest cups I've ever, I've actually might've ever played in. Um, and then we hit top eight. And so top eight, we turn all of our decks in. Um, we turn all of our decks in for deck check and pretty much all of us, you know, we're, all of the members of top eight know each other. We're all actually, we're all pretty close. Um, so we talk to each other a bunch and so we turn our decks for deck check and they say, okay, 30, 30 minute break, go get food. So we all got food. We come back and they call up one of the, one of the players, Alex McNeil, and, uh, hand him his deck and are like, Hey, um, we're giving you a game loss in top, in round one of top eight


We're converting around where we're converting top eight to a best of one


Well, yeah. So, so he said, here's, here's your, uh, deck. We're giving you a game loss due to, um, these, these cards being warped. And he ha and the head judge hands Alex, um, all of his hollow cards. So, so he was playing Lost Giratina, so the three three Giratina VStar line and the Ray Greninja. Um, and those were the only hollow cards in his deck. And Alex, you know, rightfully argues back and is like, um, there are hollow cards. And, and I mind you, these cards, these hollow cards were no more warped than any other hollow card that's seen more than like two tournaments of play. Um, so, but the, the judges steadfast and we're like, man, that, that really sucks. And then they call up another person. Um, and they're like, Hey, um, this is the guy's name is Trevnoir. They're like, he was playing Arceus Giratina, and they're like, Hey, Trevnoir, um, we're giving you a game loss in top eight due to some of your cards are Wared. And they hand him the, uh, four three Arceus line and the tutu, uh, Giratina line again, like all of the holo cards in his deck. And this goes on till I think it ended up being five of the, it was either four or five of the top eight players got, um, game losses due to warped hollow cards. Um, I have never seen this happen ever before. Um, and no, literally no member of top eight felt like it was reasonable and, um, neither did the store owner. Um, he also did not find it reasonable at all what the head judge was doing. So what the, and I only found this out due to talking to the store owner afterwards about what happened. Um, and some of you might have seen this on Twitter, and I think Gabe's Twitter post did not have this bit of context included. Um, they gave out pricing based off of standings rather than the result of cut. And the store owner did this because of the amount of what he felt were injust game losses, um,




in top eight. And so he felt he, he felt bad and was worried that people would be really upset had they, you know, gotten seated in top four in standings and then lost in top eight due to a, um, due to a unjust game loss. So that was, that was the store owner's logic. Whether or not you agree with it is entirely separate, but that was, I think it's worth providing that bit of context as to why pricing was handed out in the way it did. Um, But so, so the game loss is very unfortunate. My opponent, um, I, I was playing against Connor Peterson, um, who was playing Guardi. Uh, he also got a game loss due to, um, not actually his Guardi ex's, but instead he was playing with the like old hollow psychic energy. Um, so all of his psychic energy, which honestly, uh, that's a little bit his fault. He was also like, man, I don't know


I swear to God they do it themselves, bro.


like, he, even after he got the game, he was like, man, I don't really know why I played with these psychic energy. They were like the, I mean, they were the really pretty ones. He said he had just ordered them off of T C G player. They were like, I don't even, I don't remember what set it was, but it's like, I don't know, might be a Harold s Sliver set. I don't remember exactly. Um, but they were really gorgeous but hollow, so they were bent. Um, and so that was, that was a little bit annoying. So, but he ended up two owing me. Um, He was playing Gardy and I misplayed, I Misplayed game. Well, I don't even know if it was a misplay to be quite honest. So he had one. I I knew he had one path, ba path bump left. This was the like last turn of the game. I knew he had one path bump left in deck. So I was choosing between whether to io him to one, giving him like a one in or like a three in five chance of hitting the path bump. Um, whether to io him to one and take a KO on the active Guardi, uh, baby Guardi or to um, Gus Kao, his benched guard. EX put myself now within one turn of winning the game and um, hoping he doesn't hit a boss.




And it turned out that his last stadium bump was prized. Um, Which was a, a little unfortunate, and I was a little salty afterwards, but I honestly don't, I think, I think I made the right move. I'm not, I'm not quite sure. I would have to re-look at the game and really think about it. Um, and then game two was just a complete blowout. I had a bit of a slow start, um, and he kind of, he blew me out of the water. So that was, that was, honestly, I'm pretty, I was pretty happy with this weekend, a top four and a top eight. Um, in back-to-back cups, especially with Best of One is about all you can hope ask for. Um, so I'm not too salty about it. But yeah, that Sunday Cup was a, was a wild one. We, we hear NorCal have a lot of interesting cups.


Uh, you know, I, I mean, I recognize, uh, uh, I mean, Liam and I generally speaking are min rarity people, and, uh, it is a shame that like you just can't get like non hoog versions of some cards. And that's how these, like, I'm sure these guys would not have been playing them if they did had any choice. What, what a circus,


Yeah, I mean,




except for Connor, who gets every game loss against Caden that he deserves.


their cards, bro. Bro. I know how they treat their car. Like maybe it's not these people. Exactly. But I've how this community treats their cards, bro. Like it is disgusting. The snaps that some of y'all do, bro. Running cubes at Worlds. I like every time I was like, these are my cards, bro. What are you doing? What is this snapping, bro? It's just snap, snap, snap. Like of course the cards are warping, bro. Like,


well, I think that's a separate, I think that's a separate issue that's separate from what this was, which was just the natural warp of hollow cards. Um,


Maybe bro, but 90% of the crying I see on Twitter about like, oh my God, all my cards are warped. And then the judge like, eqd me. Everyone's cards are warped. No, no. You


Yeah, in this case, in this case, this was a situation of everyone's cards of work. The, the people, the only people who didn't get game loss is that one of them, um, had a fully max rarity deck. So all of the cards were warped.


New Strat. New Strat. only makes rarity.




and I gotta be honest, um, I have absolutely no idea how I was not given a game loss for my deck. Um, that Mew deck was the Mew deck that I brought to worlds. It was in Japan.


Because you're nicer, bro. You're not, you don't do the hideous things these kids do, bro.


I, I don't think you understand how warped my four seal stones are. Liam. My four seal stones are egregiously


still have them, bro. I'll give it to you. Pittsburgh


Yeah. I. I was looking, I'm looking at potentially ordering. Yeah. Ordering some of the non hollow ones. Um,'cause it's bad. It's really bad.


I know, bro. I, I have to order a new set too, because Walker left some of my stones out in the open bro, and then they like,






I, I remember having a conversation with, with uh, uh, one judge and he was like, well, you know, you should like, you should leave your deck under a brick overnight before the tournament. And I was like, Are you listening to yourself Like that's the advice you give me after you gimme a game loss. What should I do to not get a game loss in the future? Carry a brick.




It's just like, man.




Alright. Alright, so Liam is doing the, get all of his points from regionals, uh uh, and never play a cup or challenge. Challenge. We're gonna see how it goes.


I, I'll play cus but like, bro, I see so many people fending for like, they have to get six finishes in the first two weeks of the season. Like, why


Yeah, I agree with that. Like I think people are going a little too hard right


I have like one challenge win, bro. I went to a challenge bro, like.


Yeah. Like there's so many more stores that have cups now and like we got four quarters. Like you got, you got plenty of time. don't, don't burn yourself out.


We, we only need six. And it's not limited by quarters either. Like, you know, like when people were going really hard on like, I think like 2019 or something where it was like two per quarter and if you didn't get it in the first quarter, you weren't able to like get the points or something later on. But like now, like you could do 10 quarter or 10 cups in the last quarter or something. And like if you, if you like bombed out or something the entire season, you need the points, like you can just hit a bunch of cups in the last


I like that optimism.






I mean, for me, I'm trying to hit as much as possible before


That's a fair Strat. That's a fair Strat.


Yeah, that's reasonable.


just because I, I don't know how many, how many locals I'm gonna have time to go to, um, while I'm also starting off university. So, yeah. That, that's the reason for me


you, you make a good point. Caden, Liam is acting super chill, but that's'cause he hasn't found out how many Ss a CSS to write for all of his college applications. And then he is gonna be like, oh,


Like, no, but the first part of what you were saying was true too, bro. Like, I will go to regionals. I will get my invite,


love it, love it, love it, love it.


I, I, like, I, I don't have to count up the maximum amount of points I can get for challenges to try and fiend for my invite, bro. Like I'll get it or I won't and like that's the end of it, bro. Like, if, if I deserve to get it, I can probably go to regionals. Like, and I can probably get it, like I


All right guys, what are the, what are gonna be the top three decks of Pittsburgh?


Um, lost. I mean, obviously lost Giratina. I think we can get that out of the way. Obviously lost Giratina is, if not first, at least in the top three. And I honestly think Turbo lost is also gonna be in the top three. Um, and then I think it's gonna be Gardy, I think, I think the top three decks are gonna be lost. Giratina, Turbo Lost and Gardy. That's what, that's where I'm at right now.


Yeah, I think that sounds pretty accurate.


What, what will be the meta share of ard?


No, I don't think like 10.


I think it's also, I think it's 10. Yeah.


It's so hard this, this format has like so many decks that are like, oh, what, what are they gonna be like 10?


I mean, I know, I know. We did. We had the same, uh, uh, unproductive discussion and getting ready for worlds. Right. You guys are like, everything's 10%. Next,


Right. And it's like kind of true. Like if, like the world's medi-share, I don't have it in front of me, but it was like pretty close to that. World's Day Two is a little more skewed towards, uh, towards loss box. And day one had more Lugia than we expected, but for the most part it was like 10 across the board for like seven different decks.


Liam, any reaction to the medi-share?


Um, I'm gonna feast on LZ Tina's, bro, I'm feasting on them. I swear it's gonna be, I'm gonna hit so many because all these kids think the deck is good and I'm just gonna destroy them, bro, like, the first like three turns and then, mean, obviously can't make stress right now, but y'all know what I'm doing, bro.


Alright. Does anybody wanna talk about their strats? Who wants, who wants to leak? Some strats? You, we've already heard kids think about Chen Pal.


Uh, yeah, I mean, I think I can talk a little, um, I think Gem pal's quite good. Um, I think Gem Pal is probably, if you feel confident in it's consistency, uh, I think it's a really good spot. I mean, obviously it has good matchups against Gardy Lost, lost Giratina, and Turbo lost. Um, so that, that's what, at least I, it seems like my agrees are gonna be the top three decks. Um, the Lost Giratina matchup is a little, it can be a little sketch. Uh, I mean, that is a matchup where, you know, if you don't hit a path bump in your first, in honestly in your opening hand, if you don't have a




you're going to probably lose the game. Um,


that's how I feel too.




That was actually, actually, that, that was another big reason that I wanted to play Four Path.'cause I, I thought Chi and Pat would be a little bit more popular than it was at Worlds. I mean, I ended up hitting two day one, so it worked out. But um, yeah, that's a matchup where like four Path you play four, you play path turn one, they don't bump it, you just win the game immediately.


yeah, I mean I think that is certain, that is certainly true and I think I would never dare running Run Chimp Pal for this event without having lost vacuum and honestly for Pokey stop, um, I just, with the amount of lost Dina, I don't think I would, I would ever not Max do what I would consider to be Max the maximum amount of stadiums, um, I would run. So I think Chi pals in a very good spot. Um, I think the world where I wouldn't play Gem Pal is if you, if you think there's gonna be A good amount of Mew, which I think there is actually the chance for Mew to have a significant uptick. You know, I mean, at One, one World's ARD puts a little damper on it, but I, if people aren't expecting there to be much ard, um, Mew is a pretty good option. Tying into that, um, I'm also heavily considering Mew. Um, I think Mew is still a very, very strong deck, especially in a world where people are both aren't expecting it. Um, and cutting cards like Tomb from their Lost Tinas, um, because they, because of the power C Zd has over Mew. Um, but I think if you don't think there's getting much art, I think Mew is a really good, is honestly quite a good choice. So I don't know, those are sort of two of the main choices that I'm considering right now. Um, but I don't know. There's a lot of good cards.


Yeah, that's kinda where I am. Like I, I haven't played almost at all since Worlds. Um, I could run back Giratina. I don't think I wanna do that. Uh, I like Gardy. ARDI's good still. Um, I could play Inteleon Urshifu. I feel like that's a cool deck. I like, I like Chi and P as well. I don't know, I, this format's like good and bad in that I like a lot of the decks, but I don't feel like. Super confident in anyone in particular, but I enjoy playing a lot of them.


That was the same feeling I had going into world. I think the only de deck that I've ruled off, or I guess there's two decks that I've like ruled off of considering for Pittsburgh is Gardevoir and Lugia. Um, I, I just like, they're not very well positioned right now. Um, Gar Gardevoir, I don't think is, it's not super strong into Lost Giratina and with that being the most popular deck, um, I wouldn't I wouldn't be considering playing it just off of that. But I also think Chimp Power and Mew are gonna be slightly popular and both of those are like, pretty strong in a guard of War Chimp Pal in particular. I also think Muse are probably gonna be a little bit more path heavy this time, um, just to adapt to the meta and stuff. Um, so yeah, I don't think Guard DeVore's a good pick and for the same reason because of that path. Heavy Mew, I don't think we use a great pick either. Um, it's, it's also like not particularly strong into Los Tino, like all the online results say it is, but that's because online players like aren't, aren't very good at Los Tino. Um, like the, the matchup actually is like pretty strong for Lost Giratina. Um, if they, if they play it right and they're able to hide their two prizes and hit into the TT a. So yeah, I, I mean those, those are the two decks that I just like would not recommend. Um, anything else though, like Chen Pal, Mew, Las Santina, those are all solid picks. I'd be happy playing any of them.


All right, you guys ready for a quick, uh, would you rather? Alright, here we go. Would you rather get a large tattoo of a person you dislike on your back or get a master's degree in a field you dislike?


Oh, and this is like assuming you have to go through the study of that field you dislike.


Dude, the towel would go tough. Like what? That hat's tough like,


This is like two years versus like one day of your time.


Well, well, but also, also


I might get that tat


it's two years and then you're done versus one day, but then also you have a tattoo on your back for the rest of your life.


dude, like, but would that tat not go tough? Like just having like a, I hate you on my back like the entire time when you walk around, bro.


No, I mean, would, would people look at it, be like, you love this person? No. No. Like what if it was a large tattoo of like, I mean, I don't wanna say Donald Trump'cause that's too much of a layup, but like, I'm trying to think of a person that Liam really, really loathes. Uh, you know, is there some anime character that's just an absolute embarrassment? I don't know.


be tough bro. Like, no, no. But like, yeah, like that's something like, like, like a mafia member would do bro. Like, you know, just get, get somebody that they're like gonna


I, you know, when I, when I try to think of a person, Liam Dislikes, I'm like, what if you had a large tattoo of me on your back? Liam he, he is like, he is like, let's get that master's degree. Sign me up.


No. Yeah, like, now that I think about it, bro, now I actually imagine that like having a full, like, like are you talking about like just like the face, like, but massive bro. Like all over your back, bro. Like, that's pretty disgusting. Uh, hey, maybe man. Yeah. Like, I don't know. I'll stay


tattoo also has implications, uh, on things that we shouldn't talk about on the podcast.


This is true. I think, I honestly think I would go for the Masters




to what? Like a masters would be sick though. Like even if it's a field you don't like, like, isn't it not like cool to just like a acquire knowledge for the shake of it, bro.


not if it's a field you don't like. I don't know.


Like, like, like, what field would that be? That would be like so awful. That like, learning about


Well, well, I'll give, I'll give one. I don't even know if this is a master's. Um, let me actually Google it so it does exist. Okay. So like a master for me. I'll give a brand of example. If I had to get a master's in like painting, um,


That'd be so sick, bro. Dude, your dad's like a art major or something. Like,


this is true.


dad's like the coolest person ever,


dad did get did go to art school. However, um, I did not go to art school and I do not


All that photography stuff, stuff he does is sick, bro. Like, like that's not a field like I'm considering going into. I mean, maybe because your dad's so sick, but like, um, That's not like a field I'm considering going into, but like, you know, if you told me I had to be like your dad, I'd be like, Hmm, I guess I could live, you know, like, that's sick, bro.


I just think, you know,


Like, I'm sure


Liam is ready to get his Master's in dance.


oh, that's, there's no question about that. I just think Yeah, like dance is a good example. I,


Okay. Dance, dance. Like


I would be miserable. for two years.


if you told me I was capable of getting like a master's in dance, I'd like, I'd take that, bro. But I have, I have like


gets that from me.


talent, bro. Like,


how about criminal justice? Would you be like, that's awesome, Liam,


yeah. Um, I, I've told a bunch of people this story, but this is, this like


no, no, no, no, no. This story is a lie. You tell this story wrong. This is, the story is not not the truth. I.


no, this, this is straight up as this is what happened, bro. I was in like fourth grade and we were doing singing in my music class and. I wasn't performing well in the class, so my parents decided it's time to sign me up for private lessons, bro. I walk into the private lesson, the teacher's like, yo, can you hit this note? Sings the note. I give it my best shot. And she says, let's try piano.


I, I, I'm not gonna correct the historical record, but that is not quite right. That's not quite right.


bro. Hopeless. That's exactly what happened, bro. I remember he clear as day


Liam's been scarred ever since


Now, I, I should let you know that Liam both became a delightful singer and a delightful piano player. Uh, that's true Facts. True




Uh, uh, would you get a master's in photography? Liam, would you be like, Photography. It's dope.


Yeah, dude, that's what Caden's dad does. It's so sick. Like he say, he like, he sees like some water on the ground and there's like a building and he does this photo like, that's


I like, I like how open-minded Liam is to the worst, uh, to, to apparently what Google says are the worst degrees you could possibly get. how about you, Mike? Tattoo useless masters.


I mean, I mean, like my first reaction was definitely the tattoo. Like I said, two years is a, is a long time to spend doing something you don't enjoy. But, but I don't know, it's really close. I think I would still choose the tattoo, but it's a, it's closer than I initially thought.


This is, this is a very interesting, would you rather


All right. All right. And, and where do you end up? Caden.


I think I'm


Alright. Alright. And, and Liam is, uh, so where do you end up, Liam? Are you getting the tattoo or do, do you just like,


If the tattoos, if the tattoos like my rival, I think I'd get, I'd get the tattoo if the tattoos like you, no. Once I get a rival, like maybe if I join a sports team this year, like magically or something, like, and, and then I get a rival, like if I got tatted up with that, that would be, that would be kind of tough. I do.


Alright guys. Uh, I agree. That was a great, great. Would you rather, uh, I, I feel like Brit would've had a lot to add on that. Wait, we'll have to make sure he's here soon. Our outro is the John Pauls when we come back next week, it'll be mere seconds before Pittsburgh and, and we will be gearing up to, uh, go ahead it guys.